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Posts posted by Dermot

  1. Quote

    i.e. doors showing on the floor plan, but not in the Full Camera view.  


    Your missing doors are on a layer that is turned on in plan view but are turned off in your camera view.  


    Every view in the program has the ability to use a different layer set.  Every layer can be turned on or off independently in every layer set.  This allows you to have some views showing some things and other views showing other things.  This is very basic Chief functionality.  I highly recommend that you review the training videos regarding layers and layer sets.


    As for the picture of the office you posted above, this is not what I am seeing when I open your plan.  See my picture below.  I can't think of any way to get the image you have shown using the same plan.  Turning off the windows layer should still leave a hole in the wall above the door.  This leads me to believe that the plan you posted is not the same as the plan you used for your image.  You may want to double check your file management system to make sure that you are opening and posting using the same plan files.


    As for your performance problems, my best guess is that these are related to your system settings.  Most likely your video card or drivers.  Could be lots of other things though.  Might be a problem with one or more of the graphics files you are using.  Since you just posted the plan file without the graphics files, this can't be investigated.


    non missing glass.png

  2. The only things that the program will automatically draw in open below rooms from the floor below are actual parametric stair and landing objects.  The spiral stairs that are in the library are really just interior fixtures.


    You can show the spiral stairs by either using the reference display tools or by inserting the cad block for them using the cad block management dialog.

  3. Quote

    It didn't change it in the layout though.  I guess I have to resend it to layout?


    For elevations and cad details, yes.  If you are sending floor plan views, and you are using saved plan views, you can also change the color on/off setting in the saved plan view specification dialog.



    And for some reason, this one section of roof still displays in color even after F8


    It looks black and white to me.  My best guess is that you have a very dense pattern that is making it look solid black.  If this is not the case, you will probably need to post the plan so that some one can help you figure it out.  Or, if all else fails, contact tech support.

  4. You can also turn on Print Preview to see your line weights.  The advantage of the print preview mode is that it also shows you your page layout.  It can be useful to adjust your line weights for the page scale that you expect to print out at otherwise you may not get the results you expect.

    • Upvote 1
  5. My best guess is that your main problem is related to your video card and the drivers.  There were some posts regarding dialog label problems related to nvidia graphics cards over a year ago. You might try a search on this forum for related problems.  You should also see if this help article helps:



    If all else fails, you might want to contact tech support.

  6. Just to clarify...


    The "Display In Plan View" setting in your Pony Wall Defaults is remembered by both Saved Plan Views and Layout Boxes.  The only caveat is that you can override this setting for any particular wall in your plan.  So as long as your walls are set to use "Default", all you need to do is change the setting in the Pony Wall Defaults and save your plan view or send it to layout and the program will keep the setting.

  7. This is just an FYI for some of the more advanced users.  If you don't have a good understanding of saved plan views, layer sets, or reference display, I would skip this.


    There is a somewhat hidden way to control fill styles using saved plan views, layer sets, and the new reference display capabilities in X11.  


    The basic idea is that when you display something in a reference plan, you have the ability to control whether or not the plan details (such as fill style) will display.  Now that you can display the same floor as part of your reference display this allows you to take advantage of this ability in new ways.  So when you want to display the fill styles, you just display the object normally by turning on the layer.  If you don't want to display the fill, you turn off the display in the normal view, turn on the display in the reference but with the details turned off.


    See attached plan and picture for a simple example showing the roof fill turned on in one saved plan view and not in the other.


    roof with and without fill style.png

    controlling fill styles.plan

    • Upvote 1
  8. Control-A only selects the objects on layers that are turned on in the current view.  This is not going to find everything.


    Layers can be used by objects in other views, such as other floors, cross sections, cad details, and even inside of cad blocks.  You could create a layer set with just the layer you are trying to find turned on, open up every view, switch to the layer set, and then do a Control-A to see if you can find the object(s).  This should find most of them (but still might not find layers that are hidden in cad blocks).


    As for defaults, there are lots of defaults to look through when trying to find layers.  I would start with the Default Settings dialog and work your way through the list.  


    Another thing to note is that if you are using a layer in a cad block that is not being referenced in the plan anywhere, this will probably be marked as being used in defaults.  You might want to purge any unused cad blocks to eliminate these.  Cad blocks are a common place where layers can be used but can be hard to find.  Cad blocks can be on one layer but can have child objects that are on other layers.  These child layers may not actually be used unless you explode the cad block which makes them particularly hard to track down.


  9. No.


    Our Chief Architect and Home Designer desktop applications will currently run on Windows 7/8/10 and Mac High Sierra/Mohave.  More information about system requirements can be found here:



    We do have some mobile apps that will run on Android and IOS.  They are far less capable than any of our desktop applications though.  More info about our Room Planner mobile app can be found here:


  10. Quote

    What settings do I use to draw centers of drilled holes circles to polyline or steel plate edges?


    Are you trying to display the center point or create a dimension to it?  You can turn on the display of arc centers in the CAD detail using View>Arc Centers and Ends.  You can also draw a Point Marker located at the center point which would give more control over the display.  As Eric has pointed out, you should be able to dimension to the center of a circle or arc.  If you are displaying arc centers, this is much easier.  If you are not, then the program will probably not pick up the center by default and you will have to drag the end of the dimension to the center point.



    I'm tying to send plan and can't figure that out either?


    Send it to another user or post it here on the forum?  To send the plan to another user, I would recommend that you use the Backup Entire Plan tool.  If you are trying to post it on this forum, I would recommend that you remove unnecessary data from the plan first and then put it into a zip folder to take up less space.


  11. I suspect that on one machine, your toolbars were migrated from a prior version and on the other they were not. 


    It's relatively easy to make sure both machines have the same out of the box settings.  Simply rename your "Chief Architect Premier X11 Data" folder and then relaunch the program.  This will make sure the program is using all of the out-of-box toolbars, hotkeys, templates, etc.  You may then have to manually migrate any custom libraries and plan files.  More information about migrating settings can be found here:



    If you have any problems, I would highly recommend contacting our tech support.  

    • Upvote 1
  12. If you change your Number Style to decimal inches, the dialog will display your values with all the accuracy you need.  It would be nice if the program was smart enough to change the display automatically when the numbers were small like this.


    line style dialong.png

    • Upvote 2
  13. After spending some more time playing with the line style management dialog, I could not reproduce any problems (other than the previously mentioned problem with the line style editor displaying the sizes rounded to the nearest 1/16").  I think I may have clicked on the wrong line style to modify and got confused by the inaccurate display which may have been what happened with Scott as well.  


    If any one can reproduce any other problems, then please report them to us.

  14. Your "tiny dash 1" is actually 1/32".  If you modify it to be 1/16", it should look correct.  


    You may have found a bug with the line style management dialog. While I was playing with this, I ran into some strange behavior.  I'm not sure what is going on here but I will look into it further.

  15. I really hate to point out when Joe is wrong but I will just have to make an exception in this case.  :)


    If you want a line style with a segment that is 1/32" long, then just type in 1/32".  The dialog will display it as 1/16" but the program will keep the actual value that you typed in.  You can even type in smaller values such as 1/64" or even 1/128" but the dialog will display these values as 0" (but they will still work!).


    This is really something we need to fix so that it is less confusing.  It's on our todo list but I can't make any promises on when we will get to it.