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Aaarr lads! Appreciate the quick response. Unfortunately, neither working for me. Do I need to set this up somewher?
Hi All, Does anyone know how to access a diameter symbol / character on a text situation? You know - the symbol 0 with a diagonal line across it?
Yep, that fixed it. Thanks for your help guys. Appreciated as always..
Hi Mick, Just went through the scenario again with a new plan and layout, and the same thing happened. Send 1st floor plan to layout. Go back to plan and change to 2nd floor. Send to layout. The 1st floor on the layout changes to 2nd floor. On the layout sheet, went back to the 1st floor plan (now showing 2nd floor), clicked on plan and opened object. in the plan view specification box there is an option to adjust the linked saved plan. Adjust that to none and that opens up the current floor box below for adjustment. adjust to floor 1 and the 1st layout plan goes back to floor 1 and the 2nd layout plan remains at floor 2. It sounds like a long way to make this happen when it used to be automatic on X10, so am now wondering if there's something I missed on the initial setup, or in preferences somewhere...
Sorry All ! Senior moment sorted (duh !) Not telling :-)
Hi All, Just started using X11 and sending floor plans for level 1 and level 2 to same layout sheet, but when in Layout, both floors are of the same level, and when I try changing the level on one layout plan, both change, so can't seem to show 2 floor level plans on 1 layout sheet... I'm obviously having a senior moment, so can someone out there guide me in the right direction ?
Thanks guys, Will relocate post and increase info. Cheers, A
Hi All, Have an additional license for sale - Chief X10, if anyone interested. What's the going rate? Anyone know? Thanks. Andy Smith, Arcadian Design Ltd., New Zealand.
Hi Mick, Thanks for quick response. No warning messages. No blue screen. Just black screen on all 3 monitors, then returns to desktop in about 30 secs without computer re-booting. Chief has switched off at this stage. No, wasn't monitoring CPU temp. New box is water-cooled.
Hi All, Have had a new desktop built and have been running Chief 10 for a short while. Just started ray tracing a new house design, and after about 5 runs, Chief crashes. Any thoughts on this ? Sounds like a hardware issue as no problem with last desktop. Would appreciate any feedback before I give my 'puter guy a hard time... i7-8700K GPU @ 3.70GHz 32.0GB RAM GTX 1080 Ti card
Chief Crashing
Hi All, Just had a new desktop built and now when I try to ray trace, Chief 10 will crash after only about 5 runs.
Didn't happen on the last desktop. Any thoughts on adjustment or is it a hardware issue..
Graphics card - GTX 1080 Ti
CPU - i7-8700K with 32GB RAM
Andy Smith
Hi Jaida, Quite a few Chief users in NZ. Most probably too busy, (including me), due to buoyant construction industry. I made all my own details specific to NZ building standards. Very laborious, but necessary as american based details don't cut it here. There was a compnay in Napier who offered setting up Kiwi detailing. Hopefully they'll pick up on this. Andy Smith Arcadian Design Ltd 4
Hi Glenn, Thanks for the response. Ha ! didn't even know there was one ! Will find it and try. Andy Smith
Morning Perry,(in NZ anyway) Using X9. Will try that later. Thanks
Thanks David, will check the driver to start then get hold of Tech Support. SP4 - Microsoft Surface Pro 4
Hi All ! have an interesting hardware issue. My main desktop is in for repair so am using my SP4 as backup. Have connected my Samsung 4K monitor to my SP and all working well. Open Chief and display on monitor. Still good so far. When I open a plan file to work on the cursor has a lag behind the mouse movement when working over the plan file. Same on layout file. Yet, when I open Chief and plan or layout file on the SP.. no problem. All other programs opened on the monitor are fine and don't have this issue. Only Chief. My apologies for waffling on, but it's a bit frustrating. Any thoughts?
Yep works well. Using a SP4 as a 2nd licence. I always use it powered up so unsure of performance when using in remote situations Andy Smith Arcadian Design Ltd
I have same issue here with not being able to print to HP111........Chief reports my plotter as "0" DPI.............???????? Did the workaround, print to PDF then to printer works but, would be nice to print straight to plot like my other Pro-CAD programs, can do. Seems strange... Have a HP110 myself and can print to A1 roll no problem from Chief. However... it took me a while to get the settings right on the 110 software printing defaults
Same Graeme. Only print to PDF for record or email
Hi Michael, Correct. Didn't look at the release notes. Thanks for the video also. very informative. Guess I'd better look at these notes to see what else I'm missing... Andy Smith Arcadian Design Ltd
Hi All, So, using X9 and the first thing I've come across is that in the cad box specification, the option to move to back, default, bring forward or bring to front has disappeared, and can't seem to make a hot key for it. Anyone else got this problem? Cheers, Andy Smith, Arcadian Design Ltd
Hi All, Just got myself a SP4 as out of office computer. Finding it great as a remote computer and cloud-linked to access files which works well. Just set it up with a Samsung UHD monitor, MS mouse and keyboard through a docking station and finding my new mouse is sluggish on the monitor when working on Chief., but not sluggish on my SP4 screen. Other apps are fine, for instance, typing this topic... just Chief plans. Any thoughts anyone? Andy S Arcadian Design Ltd Tauranga New Zealand.
Hi I changed over to W10 for a brief episode and my HP500 worked fine. I changed back to W7, though, because my 3 Samsung monitors were giving me a real hard time. Will be sticking with W7 for a while yet. Andy Smith Arcadian Design
Hi Ragetoca. Nope. Just updated my SSA on this license. A bit busy at moment to focus on selling it, but happy to let it go for a fair price.