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  1. I'm a Massachusetts architect with some free time for the next few weeks. I'd be happy to pick up your redlines or build models for you. I've been using Chief since 2017 and can send work examples and rates. Thanks Katharine MacPhail
  2. I'm an architect in Massachusetts who specializes in renovations and additions to existing homes. I've been using Chief for 3.5 years, currently have x12. I am looking for someone with a lot of experience in Chief Architect to take on some drafting for me, probably 10 to 20 hours a week. We can work remotely. Hourly rate negotiable. I would send redlines to you that you would then pick up, also finishing off models with colors and materials for presentation. Layout construction documents, mostly builders' sets. Lots of the work involves third floor renovations. Thanks, Katharine
  3. I need help with the following: -measuring and drawing/modeling existing conditions in eastern massachusetts -drafting and picking up redlines. We would share the files. I need more than one person, am willing to work with someone remotely on the drafting/redlines. Please send a message with your availability and rates. Thanks! Katharine