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Everything posted by M-Ferioli

  1. Thanks Mark! Yeah, that is what I have been doing since the start, two cabinets to make one, some are blocked, custom fronts ETC. I like your fake rails, I have not used that method, could be useful I think, maybe faster. Seems like this is just on the very low priority list then. I haven't really gone through X16, but at first glance it doesn't seem like a lot of cabinet upgrades this time though. I don't actually do the design work, I just draft and provide some QC. Sometimes I help with design, but generally I just provide the drawings to the designers. So, if they want the D3, they get it, Ha! I figured it was pretty inefficient, but most of the kitchens I draft are pretty huge and space is not at a premium. Good to keep that top of mind though in case I need to suggest it someday.
  2. Thanks for the reply. Seems like the corner base options needs some love. I'll send a suggestion.
  3. Can these inner stiles be removed natively? It seems that there is no option to quickly make a framed inset lazy susan or inset corner cabinet with 3 drawers? or am I missing something? My workaround was always two cabinets pushed together, but I just thought since the corner drawer cabinets are common now, maybe there was an easy button for this? Thanks, Mike
  4. Thanks, that did it! I tried that before I posted but it didn't work. I think maybe I only accidentally changed one of the windows or maybe they weren't lined up correctly or something. Either way, it's good now.
  5. When I move two pass throughs into a corner to try and get a corner cutout, I am left with a post of some kind in the corner where the two windows meet. Is there way to get rid of this or make it not visible? I'm not sure if it is framing or part of the window pass throughs? or just a better way to do this? Thanks! Mike
  6. ah, that does work. That is interesting. Something doesn't seem to be working correctly though since the system knows I have resized the door via the dialog box and changes the 2D block and moves out the hardware. But keeps the door at its imported depth in the 3D view. That cannot be the way it is supposed to work. Your workaround is effective, I can use that in this job. Thanks for the help!
  7. HA! I used the same stretch planes, I'd have to look at the origin, but when importing from SketchUp, that hasn't been critical in the past. Depth works fine if i just place the door in the room, not attached to a cabinet.
  8. If I make a 3d solid slab in chief and convert it to a door, it works. I assume that is what you did? If I make one in sketchup and import as a cabinet door, it does not work correctly.
  9. interesting, I thought this used to work for me too, just been a while. I'll have to make a completely new one and test it. all my doors are imported from previous versions.
  10. I would like to show a cabinet door with 1" thickness vs the normal 3/4". I have a door symbol that I made custom that is 1" thick. When applied, it only shows the thickness increase in the 2d block, 3d remains 3/4". I made the door extra thick and can see that the hardware moves out, but door still shows the same thickness in 3D. I have tried changing everything I can think of that this point with no luck. Am I missing a setting or is this not working correctly? or is it not possible? I can change the Y position of the door and push it out away from the box, but thickness remains at 3/4". Tried in X15 and X14, same result. Thanks, Mike
  11. @MarkMc This worked really well for what I needed, thank you! I did not realize a solid could be exploded to allow for material painting on one surface only, I just haven't used chief for too many custom pieces since I'm used to SketchUp. I ended up making a panel, positioning it into a custom door frame, then converting it a door symbol for use in the job. I used a different wire mesh, a more rectangle shaped one that more closely matched what the client was looking for. It was the square mesh found in my bonus catalog. Any idea how to make wire materials like that, ones that have no background between the mesh and scale infinitely? I assume that takes skill in another program. Any idea where to find more pre-made wire pattern materials like that? I'd like to build a library of different wire panels I can pull from when needed.
  12. This sounds like a really good idea, the image looks nice! I am looking forward to digging into this later. Sometimes my brain loses the ability to think outside the box. Thank you for your time on this, I'll let you know how I make out. I really don't think I should delete this post now. Maybe a Moderator can move it if they are so inclined?
  13. Thanks for the help! I was not aware of that material. It is a pretty thick metal though, not exactly the look I want, but it might be good enough for now. Seems like a difficult material to make for those of us not expert in that area. I have been asked to delete this post since I guess it is the wrong forum, I thought material related questions would go here, my mistake. Is there a way to move it with the replies? or just delete it? Thanks
  14. I don't have a good system for making glass doors with a wire mesh or chicken wire in them. Is there a good way to do this that will also be dynamic and hold scale with door size changes? Thanks, Mike
  15. I use this quite a bit. I just place it manually and make a quick custom hole in the countertop. I think the auto cutout was making a larger hole than it needed but I haven't gone back to try and fix it. The kohler catalog has some in the undertone, vault, and strive collections. Mike Kraus Sink KWU110-27.skp
  16. I get the same thing here. I haven't had it cause me any real issues but "send to layout" does seem slower in X13.
  17. Hi, Does anyone have any offset glass block textures? I only have the stock one which is stacked squares. I'm trying to replicate a 9 x 18 offset block pattern. Thanks, Mike
  18. The owner has been doing hand drawn floor plans for 40 years and I think just always rotated the paper plan to orient the label to face the front of the cabinet. So that's where it comes from. The plans are generally sent to the client in PDF these days, but he always prints them to use at in person meetings so I produce for him what he is used to and basically whatever he wants. The other designers are his kids and so they do they same thing. Its not always great to look at on a screen but it works on paper where you can quickly and easily orient it to your liking. In the end I mainly duplicate what they draw by hand for the floor plan, they get exactly what they are used to seeing and they are happy. It makes no difference to me what they prefer for details.
  19. I realize there is a grab handle and a place to type in the rotation angle but if you try it, the label flips back over so that the text is not upside down on the screen. I want it to be upside down. Am I crazy or can everyone else but me rotate labels without them flipping back to a different orientation on their own once you reach a certain rotation limit? Scott's example shows an up/ down oriented cabinet with right side facing label, that works fine, but it does not represent what I'm trying to do. Also, if you try and rotate the label 180 degrees from the position Scott has it in, using the grab handle, it will flip back over. I'll mess with a macro, but I don't think that will override the limitations of the label. I'll call chief again to try once more and get an explanation as to why these labels behave the way they do.
  20. I need to show labels upside down at times on floor plans, like the one on the right. The native cabinet label does not allow for this as far as I can tell and I don't know why. So as a work around I have to make a manual label using text and then place it where I need it. It would save me a bit of time if I could just rotate the label in any direction like you can with a text box. If the cabinet is facing left to right I can do it using a really small angle, but not if the cabinet if facing an up or down direction as shown in the picture. why, this is just a preference thing for some designers.
  21. You might be able to use multiple cabinets with the depth set to what thickness you need. Position the cabinets as parts as needed then block them together when finished. I don't think you can change the default cabinet part thickness anywhere?
  22. I see that cabinet labels still don't rotate around like a text box for some reason, unless I'm missing a setting? I did however figure out that I can essentially rotate a label 180 degrees by changing the angle to .00001 (maybe smaller, haven't tested how far I can go). If I use 0 or 180, the label faces the same direction. I don't know why they have they label flip over instead of just rotating 360 degrees like everything else in the program, it appears this is a function of plan rotation or something similar? I am happy with the alignment options they added though, that's a time saver.
  23. Yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing. Thanks for confirming. Mike
  24. Is there a way to make a wall cabinet, or any cabinet really, face the floor? I'm using a cabinet as a wainscot panel which is fine normally, but I need one to face down over a vanity and can't think of a way to rotate it if that's even possible. I know I can convert it to a symbol after I adjust it to be what I need, but then I lose the flexibly to change it like a cabinet. Not a huge deal but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Thanks
  25. Dermot, Looks like that was the problem. I guess I've just never run into an issue with this feature before. Thanks for the help and the explanation! Mike