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  1. SNestor's post in Help with Cathedral ceiling with flat at top (framing doesn't show right) was marked as the answer   
    It's not hard...made you a short video. Hope it helps. 
    Susan @ BerthaLee - Chief Talk - Watch Video

  2. SNestor's post in Why doesn't Chief allow for a complete material change when selecting "All"??? was marked as the answer   
    Edit all roof planes works for me...maybe you should post the plan. 
  3. SNestor's post in Unable to add exterior band. was marked as the answer   
    Made this video a while ago but it’s still relevant. 
  4. SNestor's post in Layer set v saved plan view was marked as the answer   
    SPV control all your text, your current CAD layer, the Reference Display, what floor you see...and more. Layer sets just control layers.
  5. SNestor's post in Angled ceiling above stairs for head height was marked as the answer   
    Open the closet room and raise the floor...see attached;

  6. SNestor's post in A Frame Wallls was marked as the answer   
    Raise the roof.
    In a 3D view…select the 2 roof planes, open “transform/replicate”, enter the amount you need to add to your walls in the “Z” elevation. 
    That should do it. 
  7. SNestor's post in Living area. was marked as the answer   
    Turn "auto roofs" off. Then, build a 2nd floor...the roof will not move. You will need to add walls that have "room definitions" in order to create a "room". Once you have a room...if you don't need/want a the room and turn ceiling off. Creating a room will also create a floor system which you may not want...or maybe you will. If not, you may have to create an attic truss...
    Hope that helps.
  8. SNestor's post in What is this little slice in my wall? was marked as the answer   
    You are using an "elevation" camera which will show everything to "infinity"....I think what you are seeing is the top portion of the 1x gutter fascia. You may want to use a "back clipped" section shows things from the start of the camera to the end point you drag to. 
    If you turn on the layer "framing, wall" in the camera view layer set (and you build wall framing) you won't see that piece because the studs in front of it will block it. 
    see screen clip below...this is your camera with "Framing, wall" turned on the camera view layer set. 

  9. SNestor's post in How to create a belly band was marked as the answer   
    Made you a quick video;
    How to add a Molding to divided sidings - Watch Video

  10. SNestor's post in Garage Stem Wall Width was marked as the answer   
    On the foundation level (Level 0) select the three foundation walls at the Garage. Change the wall type to a 10" (or larger if you want) conc. stem wall. Just make a copy of the current stem wall...change the name and the width. 

  11. SNestor's post in Screen Material Scale on Door & Window was marked as the answer   
    I agree with Mick...there is some issue with the door you placed. 
    So...just change the door to the standard glass panel door...and change the material to screen. should edit the "pattern" in the material so it looks correct in Vector view. I've attached a couple screen clips.


  12. SNestor's post in Deck planking and framing generating within exterior wall was marked as the answer   
    Open the room just to the north of the lower deck...the room with the kitchen. In this room...change the "slab pour" number back to #1.  That'll fix it. 
  13. SNestor's post in Roof Marker and Text Size was marked as the answer   
    Change the text style in the "roof label" layer.  I'm guessing but you probably annotated your roof plan at 1/4" and sent to layout at 1/8". You need to make the roof label text 2X (or thereabouts) larger than the 1/4" text style. 
    Just sent you a video...
  14. SNestor's post in wall setting help was marked as the answer   
    Somtimes the simplest fix is to move the grip handle via the "resize about" control in General Wall Defaults to the inner surface. 
  15. SNestor's post in Dropping slab for porch/patio? was marked as the answer defaults, go to FLOORS AND ROOMS>FLOOR LEVELS>FLOOR 0. Make sure you set "Floor to SWT" to "0"
    For the patio, First Floor level, you need to set the "Stem Wall Top" to -1.5" so that it matches the floor.
    If you make this change on the foundation need to place -1.5" for the "ceiling" 

  16. SNestor's post in Porch Shed Roof was marked as the answer   
    Made you a quick video;
    Chief Architect Premier X15 - 22 November 2023 - Watch Video

  17. SNestor's post in LOST FASCIA - Roof joining problems was marked as the answer   
    @bdammeyer - I posted a fixed plan above. 
  18. SNestor's post in Freize and Soffit not showing was marked as the answer   
    It can be done...
    I used an invisible wall to create the room that extends beyound the face of your brick entry wall. I did make a new wall type (a copy of brick-4). In this new wall I adjusted the brick ledge depth to zero. I also specified to build the platform (the concrete floor) to the brick layer.  The new "room" has no ceiling or roof specified. 
    Rooms are the key...they control most everything in Chief.
  19. SNestor's post in Freize and Soffit not showing was marked as the answer   
    It can be done...
    I used an invisible wall to create the room that extends beyound the face of your brick entry wall. I did make a new wall type (a copy of brick-4). In this new wall I adjusted the brick ledge depth to zero. I also specified to build the platform (the concrete floor) to the brick layer.  The new "room" has no ceiling or roof specified. 
    Rooms are the key...they control most everything in Chief.
  20. SNestor's post in Exterior Roof Deck Problem was marked as the answer   
    Don't use a roof plane. Just build another balcony room using railing walls. Use a molding polyline for the gutter. 

  21. SNestor's post in No Shaft in Porch Skylight w/Flat Ceiling was marked as the answer   
    Not totally sure what the issue is...but, I deleted the deck roof. Redrew the roof and placed a new skylight and it worked fine. 

  22. SNestor's post in Shed Roof Help was marked as the answer   
    Here you go...built manually. 
    Plan Attached - AS-BUILTS -

  23. SNestor's post in Sloped wall help was marked as the answer   
    You should watch this video I made a while back. 
  24. SNestor's post in External and internal sills on windows. was marked as the answer   
    Open the window edit dialogue - go to "Options"...check recessed>to main layer

  25. SNestor's post in Roof Problem was marked as the answer   
    As Eric suggests with his don't HAVE to redraw the roofs to make the fix. I'd probable redraw them as one error still remains...
    Damon Roof Fix #2...for Solver - Watch Video