Seriously? In what scenario do interior wood framed wall thicknesses vary? They are always 4-1/2" from face of drywall to face of drywall (1/2" drywall, 3-1/2" actual size of stud, 1/2" drywall). All experienced framers already know that. All openings, joists and trusses are dimensioned to centers as well, at least around here they are, so it really isn't all that difficult to do the math in your head.
Most of the framers I have worked with, in West Michigan, including my husband who still frames each home we build, layout interior framed walls to centers and exterior walls to outside edge. Basically exactly how SKB-ChiefUser described. However, this is not how most plans are drawn around here. I dimension that way because that is how my framers do it and what they have requested. They are the ones actually building the house so it makes more since to dimension the drawings to work best with their method over sticking to what’s “standard”. Seriously though, I’ve never been denied a building permit because my plans weren’t dimensioned the same as everyone else’s. Inspectors just want to see stuff dimensioned.
Also, no, all framers DO NOT layout walls the same way. Every framer has their own process and preferred method. This has been proven within this thread’s comments in case you haven’t already noticed. So it is entirely possible that this is another thing that varies by region or just the individual framer themself, but no one is doing it wrong if the house is built to code. So stop being a **** about it. Good grief.