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    Beautiful Coeur d'Alene Idaho
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  1. Good day all, We have just released an update for X9. This is the update and includes a few fixes that are listed in the attached Update Notes. chief-architect-19-3-1-7-update-notes.pdf
  2. Good Day everyone! We have just released the X9 - 19.3 update. You can download the build from your Digital Locker. I have attached the update notes here for your review. John chief-architect-x9-3-0-49-update-notes.pdf
  3. We released the latest update to X9 - is now available. Attached here are the release notes.chief-architect-x9-2-update-notes.pdf
  4. And, along with the update come the update notes! chief-architect-x9-update-notes.pdf
  5. We are really excited about the X9 release. Attached here are the Change Logs for this release. This log lists changes to existing features and tools. chief-architect-x8-x9-changelog.pdf
  6. Both the Reference Manual and User's Guide links have been updated. Thank you for catching this!
  7. Hi All, Friday afternoon we released an update to X8. You can download the update from your digital locker. The update notes are attached here. chief-architect-x8-update-notes.pdf
  8. Hi All, We have just posted the update for Chief Architect X8. The update notes are attached. chief-architect-x8-
  9. We have a new update for Chief Architect X8 that has just been released. This rapid update was made to address a single issue. You can read the attached update notes. John chief-architect-x8-2-1-2-update-notes.pdf
  10. We have just released the update. I have attached the update notes here as well. chief-architect-x8_2-update-notes.pdf
  11. Attached you will find a copy of the change log for features and fixes that were completed between the final update of X7 and the public beta release of X8. chief-architect-x7-x8-changelog.pdf
  12. Hi All, A minor update was released yesterday to correct a couple of issues that cropped up. Build is in your digital lockers or available through the Check For Program Updates Help menu item. A copy of the update notes is attached here. John chief-architect-x8-update-notes.pdf
  13. In case you missed them, here are the update notes for chief-architect-x8-update-notes.pdf
  14. The videos from the User Group Meeting were all added to playlists based on the topic being covered. You can still find them all easily using the search box on the video page, (left side, not top right search box) using UGM as the search term. They are video # 1910 through 1956 as well. I hope this helps!
  15. I should have included that you can still contact support through our website - and create a new ticket.