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  1. I changed drawing sheet setup to a lower number 1/50 mm that darkened up the siding and shingles
  2. Yes, I really like it for changes I doubt I will go back to plot lines. I have adjusted my Drawing sheet setup and the line weights Thanks for all your input Cheers
  3. That is what I have been doing for years, would like to keep it to the live update if possible
  4. I will give that a try I also changed my Drawing Sheet Setup to 1/50 mm which seems to help but I wondered if there was a better way. Never really understood the advanced line weight options. been using a template for 10 years ago. What do most poeple use for this?
  5. Hello, I was wondering if anyone could help me with my elevations When I send my elevations to the layout with Live View selected, the materials always come out really light. Is there a way to make the building materials show darker linework? Thanks for your help Brian Clairmont X15
  6. I will wait for the update Thanks for your help
  7. Thanks for the update I cannot use it till the update comes out, too bad. I was really looking forward ro using the stacked dimension fractions
  8. Hello, Is anyone else finding a difference between the line spacing of Regular Text and Rich Text All of my blocks with text now do not work now, the text is being pushed below my lines Regular text appears to have more space between the lines now. With my 3/16" annotation there is 4 1/2" between lines now vs 3" before Thanks for any input, Brian Clairmont Upper Mill Homes Ontario, Canada X13/14, Windows 10,Processor i-7-8700k 3.70 GHz, 32 GB Ram, Video EVGA 3080
  9. I have been asking Chief since 2014 to fix there fractions. Was hoping that may have been fixed in X11. But once again they have not done it. This to me is one of the MOST important items on a set of working drawings. Dimensions! When the fractions are bigger then the main number too much space is used up and I think it looks terrible. Perhaps someone has a macro or a fix for this that they want to sell?
  10. Yes it is the brick ledge, but it puts it in on its own My brick ledge is 0"
  11. Is there a way to remove this line on the foundation wall? I assume it has to do with the brick as I do not see it when my main walls are siding If it for the brick above and has to be there it should at least be a dashed line Thanks for any help

    I have a question for you, 
    I there something you can make a macro for or some sort of Ruby file that can make Chief's dimension fractions half the size they are now? (see attachment)
    Is this possible in Chief?
    Is this something you can do?
    How much would you charge?

    Brian Clairmont
    X10 Beta


    1. Alaskan_Son


      Hey Brian, just sent you a PM, but in short...No.  I can do that with polylines and a custom font as I demonstrated here...




      ...but not with dimensions.  

  13. Thanks everyone for your ideas I checked the line weights which were the same In the end, it was Adobe PDF. When I tried the Cheif Architect Save to PDF it worked just fine