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About NeilofOZ

  • Birthday August 12

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  1. Have a porch which has some walls with no internal finishes and have exposed the framing on the RH View on this wall, but the two end walls are a continuation of the main walls, so i need to separate these walls to delete the linings and exposed the framing with out me having to re-do anything to the main building. how can this be achieved, see attached image. REGARDS, Neil.
  2. Mark, see attached wall image showing internal wall of the Porch of the previous project. Been trying to remove the internal linings to expose the wall framing, but framing show's up as a sheet and not as framing. Only the outer walls require this as the other internal wall is lined, can you resolve for me. Regards. Neil.
  3. Mark, worked like a treat and thanks for the video, made things much easier. My business prior to retirement was Design & Fitouts and had designers doing this sort work, my role in the business was more to do with Marketing, Conceptual Design, Estimating & Project Management, which took all of my time. I always wanted to undertake Cad 3D design and finally selected Chief Architect due to the support they had and ability to backup with things like you and others have done, I couldn't do it otherwise. REGARDS, Neil.
  4. Mark, Sorry mate, but struggling to understand some of your last responces:- 1.Terrain, under terrain specifications, i de selected Hide Terrain Intersected by Building, which then gave me the terrain continuing under the building which I wanted, can i change the surface of this area, as it would be only old dirt or is it possible to place a solid material to cover this area and make it look like dirt, i could do this!!!! 2.Ceilings & Rafters, have been through a myriad of options and nowhere i can get exposing the rafters and removal of ceilings to show in 3D, can you please elaborate a bit further, must have done at least a dozen pathways 3.Floor & Roof Framing, not too sure if i gave you the right info here, but in the Working Plan View, all of the floor and roof framing is exposed on the floor plan which clutters every room and making it difficult to insert other components. Can you please give me a clear path, especially when there could be numerous sequences, as I have been searching everthing that relates to camera layers and nothing has worked. Sorry for being a pain, but computer programmes are like a language from another planet, to me.
  5. Robert, Thanks for resolving how to fix the battens to the external walls, would never have worked that one out, good to know for future reference. Basically i use this programme as a hobby and offer my services ( for free ) to family members and close buddy's on renovations, but I do have a wealth of experience in Construction & Housing. Got some some other queries as follows:- 1. Regarding the terrain, the ground has been removed from under the house, but in reality it should have the ground remaining where it is?? 2. Can't find a path to eliminate the ceiling linings to both the Front Porch and Bath/Sleepout areas, I need to have the rafters exposed. 3. Can't find a path to remove only the floor framing and roof framing ( Working Plan View ) it gets a bit messy when am trying to select other components. Have exhausted as many options possible, but still no success with 2 & 3 1480852038_ColinsPlanNo.2 (1)_2025_01_01.plan
  6. Mark, See attached as requested, don't know what happened with the previous posting. REGARDS, Neil. Colin's Plan No.2.plan
  7. Just completed a house (X16) with a terrain and come across a situation that's new to me. The house is built on timber stumps, bearers & joists and the structure (floor) is approx. 200mm above ground level and my thinking was to nominate the floor 200mm above the terrain, but when i did this two things happened:- 1. The building's floor level remained at ground level, but other aspects of the building had changed, ie trimmings I located on walls had been displaced. 2. When I created a new stem wall, it inserted a masonry wall, which clashed with the timber framing and did not set the floor level as required. Tried sending the "Plan" but the programme came back with "error" which I can't understand, "field required" which didn't indicate any Fields to be inserted.
  8. Eric, all good and followed your "Extract All" selection, there were 4 materials that had no joints, ie brickwork, tiling & paving's yet they were indicated in the BU File, why was that, and I had to transfer them individually as well, seems weird. REGARDS, Neil
  9. I need to export a CA Plan to my laptop for a demonstration and on some previous tasks some materials were missing, I have done at least 20 searches and every time the videos that are listed have no relevance to the question that's put forward, I can ask any question on google and receive a myriad of options available, is there a specific language I need to know, so how do I ensure that all materials are attached the the Plan.
  10. Mark, a beautiful sight to my eyes, was this done via Substance Player, worked like a treat, if only I could do likewise with the Face Bricks, but it appears the original image wasn't suitable.
  11. Eric, see attached material from my library as requested, fingers crossed you can sort this one out for me. Robusta Light Grey.calibz
  12. Eric, thanks for getting back to me, tried to send CA Plan but file too large, how do i get around this??
  13. Gentlemen, heard nothing for a while but still no answers to my initial question, I have:- 1.Followed Chris's comments regarding the tile size and Zero Pattern. 2.Followed Rob's comment and tried his and other similar configs. 3.Followed Dustin's comment and nothing changed. 4.Downloaded Substance Player as per Eric's suggestion, downloaded main program, couldn't add The Tile Builder as it kept coming up as can't recognize, gave up after about a dozen tries, In every case it appears that the selected Texure fills the slab area without any joints, this just expands the texure to the slab and gives a distorted image totally to the original material, surely this issue can't be that complex?? REGARDS, Neil
  14. Chris, I have tried many configs, but hadn't done the Zero Pattern, there is no Zero pattern, only No Pattern, tried this and nothing has changed, final image still the same as my last Pic. Just a thought, I have the tile positioned on top of a slab I created, thinking I needed to have a base to add tiling to, would this make any difference??
  15. Dustin, I know where you are coming from, but have done so many configurations its not funny any more, I can't recall having this many issues with X13. Have attached enlarged image which which allows for 600 x 600 tile size and it appears it showing only the horzontal direction not the vertical. The config. of this image is based on 600 x 600 tile and repeated in both pattern/texture, not too sure if this is correct, but I need to sort this out as it's the same tile being used throughout the House and Alfresco.