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Everything posted by Evolution

  1. Thanks Joe. Without going back through all the original explanation, I did do a unique layer set. I copied the LS for my plan view, named it Reflected Ceiling plan. I turned off everything on that layer set that is not relevant. I do need to go back and see if the cad lines are on the cad layer (which most likely they are), but the real issue, is not being able to show a separate enlarged floor plan (noted reflected ceiling plan) without it showing up on all of the plans. I have backed everything back out, and started from scratch again. I still may not be doing it correctly but, I've highlighted each room, and made a room poly line, to which I added cad lines (using transform replicate) to create the grid layout in both directions. As long as I don't drag them back into the RCP they don't muddy up my layouts, but the minute I do, then they show up on all the floor plans. I've turned everything off and on to see what may be going on. I am trying to do it for my self it just takes practice. Getting going in the right direction makes practice worth while but that too is part of the challenge, I just can't seem to get started in the right direction!
  2. I tried that, but couldn't get it to save as a "cad" detail? I may not be doing it correctly? Do you start by making a room poly line? Then add the grid. Also, how do you insert lay in light fixtures and HVAC grilles?
  3. (Sorry for being so verbose but) Interesting situation. I need a reflected ceiling plan of the addition. So, I went to each room creating room polylines. I believe that was the idea I had gotten from one of Chop Saw’s videos, but (using KB – 00291 “Creating a Suspended Ceiling”) I overlaid each room and slid the RPL off to the side so I could work on it better. I believe I followed it to the “T”, one step at a time. Got my ceiling lay out for each room perfect. I opened the layer set (floor plan set) / copied and renamed it to “Reflected Ceiling Plan Set. It looked great. I turned off everything not relevant to the RCP. Then I grouped selected each RPL and slid it back into each specific room. I sent it to layout on a different sheet than all the others, floor plan, etc., looked GREAT! But when I went to all the other layout sheets that had floor plans bang the Ceiling layouts were on each. I checked my Layer set for reflected ceiling and had turned off everything except walls and PL’s. So, since that didn’t work the way I’d hoped I looked at how to turn off the RCP layer set I had created, but even when I switched layer sets the RCP still shows in each of the floor plan (1/8” scale, ¼” scale). I had searched the Videos and found the vid that CA made (back in version X6) Drawing a Suspended Ceiling with Grid and Tile and I can do that as easy as what I did, but how do I undo the RPL / Ceilings I created? I’ve done all on set, and unchecked items attempting to isolate the RPL’s so I can take them out. Is there an easier way? I wasn’t able to isolate them and trying to take them out line by line is too time consuming. I tried the group select but it takes out walls, doors etc. Even if I turn them off in that layer. The other problem is how to keep the Suspended Ceiling I created from showing up in the floor plans? Sorry, forgot to mention are there not any 2X4 fluorescent lay in light fixtures in X10? I mimicked them with CAD lines. I guess I have to go look in the 3D warehouse?
  4. Good stuff Mick! Thanks for putting me on to them!
  5. Perry, you are WISER than your years!!!! I never have enough time, now, as a Senior PM for my company, and wearing other hats and aprons! I just happened to have saved all these files over the years of working for other co's., and suffice to say the older I get the lazier. I did get them to improve by selecting B&W for printing and the highest quality my 1220C will produce. Once code has signed off on them, and I make corrections, I will send them PDF over to the printer for better quality. I forget what is the better size to print them when doing PDF? Thanks for the great help and advice!
  6. I need to send portions of the Floor plan to layout pages as "enlarged - noted" and "enlarged - dimensioned plans". I didn't find the topic in the knowledge base or thread, so I'm thinking I have to blow up those areas, add notes and dimensions etc., then, turn on and off notes and dimensions as needed and anything unnecessary for the purpose (once I have them all in the plan), then convert them to symbols? Is that the way you normally do it? Once (if it is possible) the symbols are created and placed, if I should make any changes to those areas I will have to update the enlarged plan, or will it update automatically? Thanks UPDATE: I attempted to enlarge the area (per the snip) and can't find any way to convert it to a symbol? I copied and pasted the enlarged area into the same plan, so I guess I'll have to add notes and dims to that, and send it separately to layout and resized so that only the portion I wish to use displays?
  7. Quality improved by setting my printer to "Best" and by checking print Black and White. Thanks
  8. (SOLVED) by adjusting printer quality, to BEST and Setting to Black and White To save some time, I have saved PDF files from years of projects, of CAD details that are not available through CA. I've added them to my layout page of details, via imported PDF. But, printing a check page, the details are not clear nor the notes. I guess there is no way to clean these up. I was trying to get the check set into the Code officials hands next week for his comments. Trying to get this project started out of the ground before winter, now that I have City counsel approval.
  9. David, if you don't mind, a little more info? The logo I'm using is in my email signature. Do I need to copy it, and save as a PDF, PNG or other file, before I import it? Thanks!
  10. I added a logo to the layout page template I created for these projects. I used copy and paste of our co. logo. Resized it, pasted into page -0- of my layout templates and it looked great when finished. If I tried any other way besides pasting as a picture the logo is just a big black square, so I thought I was using the correct method, however; after closing the files and reopening each day since, when first opened, the picture of the logo is just a black square, and I have found no way to adjust it to use it, and the printed test page also prints it as a black square. So each time I close the layout file and reopen it I have to delete the solid black square, and replace it with a fresh cut / paste of the logo. Any suggestions?
  11. YOU da Man ERIC! Big as life and twice as ugly. Problem number umphundred fixed!
  12. Yoda, that's exactly the way I've been doing it (KB - 01050). Glenn Woodward put me on that about 5 years ago when I was doing a lake house that had umpteen dozen different ceilings, and heights. I used the CP tool only to create a couple of ceilings in that plan the Owner wanted to be barreled. Thanks for your support! I honestly don't know how that other ceiling mysteriously appeared......I swear I didn't use the CP tool in any of those rooms, but I'm determined to get it right!!
  13. Did the CS Slider and that helps me see what is going on. So Eric I used your suggestion and I believe I've got all my walls fixed the correct way. But, Dermit, I've tried and tried and cannot find a custom ceiling plane I created. There are only two rooms affected by the crazy ceiling. I opened both of the rooms dbx toggled through the settings and never found a ceiling plane that was created with that specific tool. I used KB - 01050 MANUALLY FRAMING A DROPPED CEILING to create the different ceiling heights in the individual rooms that have differing heights. SO, how can I find this custom ceiling you say I must've created?
  14. Walls are fixed. But, Eric, admitting I'm dumb as-a-box-of rocks, how did you do the clip showing the wall section like you have? I've tried everything and haven't found it yet?
  15. I have two different color brick as you can see from elevation. I attempted the pony wall with 6" Brick using Red brick 5 for the upper wall, and Crème Painted brick for the lower, but no matter what I did when I changed the lower wall to the crème the upper wall also changed, I needed to get it done down and dirty for a quick presentation last night to the City Council and the only way I could figure at the last minute was to change the lower part of the PW to siding making it as thick as I could, then painting the crème brick on it. I know that's not how you do it, but I still haven't figured it out. IT worked well enough to show the council to get the go ahead. It's hectic in a one man office when you suddenly have three projects you've been working on suddenly all become Fire cracker hot, because someone else decided they were in a hurry and put me in the hot seat. This is the most I've used the software for a long time.
  16. Won't let me include other files so I'm adding them here.
  17. (Solved) First test print of layout page just fine. Now when I attempted to print the second and third they just print a little postage size layout in the corner of a full 12"X19" sheet? I checked my printer settings and nothing changed so I don't know what to do from here? I hate to bother you guys with stupid stuff like this! MPD_Plan.zip MPD_LAYOUT_FILE.zip
  18. Thanks Steve, not sure how you got it to work? I did go back and check all the column "chases", but they were all set for 144" like all the rest of the rooms. I also went back and checked both rooms (each side of the wall with the quirky angle) they were also set for 144". I noticed a couple things on the "fixed" plan you did, one is the front eve connection with the lower roof over the porch / entry there is a hole in the attic wall? You'd think all I had to do was grab that corner and pull it up and that would fix it? Thanks for the great help!
  19. (Ceiling Plane Issue Resolved) Thanks to Eric, Steve, Dermot and all other contributors. Well, one issue fixed and new one pops up. Needed to get the walls to 12'. Perry's quick response help me resolve it quickly by Selecting roof plane, and raising it to the 12' by means of Transform / replicate. Took several section views and all looked good. Then I started lowering the ceiling in each individual space to 9'. Look good to start off but one room so far has a sloped ceiling plane even though I specified flat ceiling in each space (double checked it) so this doesn't make sense? I attempted to raise the corner that is sloping of that one wall, however; and that worked, but when I pulled another section the section shows the CP is still sloped although in the Perspective Floor overview the wall appears to be level now. MPD Plan.plan
  20. Gosh Perry, that was too easy!!!! Problem solved! Wish lowering the ceiling to 9' was that simple!
  21. SOLVED! Thanks to all, but Perry's answer was quick and easy! Started off with Walls at 9'. The existing building Ext walls are 12'. They want all exterior and interior walls 12'. Ceiling Height to be 9'-0". I was going to change all walls to 12' by changing room definition to 12', then go back and do a lowered ceiling to 9'-0" but even thought I changed the rooms to 12' the exterior walls will not change. I even attempted to grab the exterior wall height and drag it up to 12' but it doesn't work. The info I found in other threads is not working (but I'm not sure I'm doing it correctly?). I tried selecting all wall with shift select but that doesn't allow me to change wall heights either. So, what am I doing wrong? MPD Plan.plan
  22. Mick, first chance to get to this, and this is what I was attempting to accomplish. Thanks to all for the help. How do I mark this as being the best answer?
  23. I'll give it a try when I can get back on it, maybe Monday?