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  1. This refers to a concrete structure the top is a beam, the bottom of a wall, as there is no beam tool I try to use pony wall tool.
  2. In the absence of the beam tool use pony wall, it seems that the door and window are aligned to the low wall, there is not other obcion. Without beam and column tool is very limited with respect to similar softwares, any way thank you for your time in answering
  3. Hello everyone, This is a pony wall (CA X10), the door is aligned to the widest wall (top), how can I align it to the down wall? thanks in advance Xterix
  4. Beams and columns, similar to Revit, Archicad, Vectorworks... software for architecture= walls, floors, ceiling, windows, doors....columns, beams. Maybe X10 version?
  5. Chief Arch without beam and column tools develop a profesional work is complicated... but excellent software
  6. Excellent (chief architect) program but when will we have beams and columns tools and continuous railings ...to move to the major leagues.
  7. Hi builtright3 look this web www.construyehogar.com/ xterix
  8. When you import an object from sketchup, this brings its own material, the problem is when you want to edit it, change the material of chief architect, here do not happen to have the same scale, this is an ugly default compatibility with sketchup Chief and I also think about the scale of the object (1000mm in sketchup = 980mm in chief architect) it is best to import DWG xterix
  9. Hi, this is a web w/ free material http://www.gobotree.com Enjoy Xterix Sorry no image!!!
  10. Michael and Joe, thanks for your comments, seems that there are several things to fix in Chief Architect. ...X7 maybe
  11. Hi everybody I am doing trying to create a symbol window. 3D is fine, but my 2D window is off the wall. Anyone know how to fix it? Thanx WindTest.calibz
  12. You can choice change A B or C A B o C son editables 1- Pass-through tool = in a wall 2- Select symbol 3- Point to point move tool