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Everything posted by Ed_Orum

  1. How does Chief calculate the height of the Energy Heel on trusses? Is it from the top of the plate to the top of the Top Chord? Thanks, Lane
  2. I took me a while but I finally got it. Thanks! Lane
  3. The exterior walls meeting up are a 4" wall going into a 6" wall. Then there is a 4" wall intersecting both. I cannot get the exterior walls to join up, and the siding shows a gap on the exterior elevation views. Here is a screen shot. Thanks in advance! Lane
  4. Try changing it from a deck to a porch.
  5. I have a plan (Plan A) that I saved using "save as" and gave it a different name (Plan B), so hopefully I now have a new plan, separate from the parent plan. I opened the original Layout for Plan A, then saved it using a new name (Layout B). Next, I opened the Layout B, went to "referenced plans" and browsed to Plan B and added it to the referenced plans in the layout file. Now, I want to remove the original plan, Plan A from the Layout File B, but I do not see an option for that. In short, I do not want the new plan or new layout file to be linked to the parent files in any way. How can I unlink the original plan file from the new layout file? Thanks in advance, Lane
  6. Thanks John. I was able to merge the two layers into the "Text" Layer. Lane
  7. The find objects did not pop up any where when I did that.
  8. Very possible. Is there anyway to isolate that or show the components of a block? I have a lot of them in this plan. -Lane
  9. Today's frustration is a Layer I want to delete. The trouble is, with "All Layers Off", then switching this particular layer on, so it should be the only one that shows up, nothing shows up. I can't remember when the last time I used it, and I can simply turn it off in all Layer Sets, but I would really like to clean things up. So, any suggestions how I can find what is on that Layer? It is a text layer, if that helps. Thanks, Lane
  10. Bob, that's exactly what I want. Where are those settings?
  11. How do I get the material list to list the number of individual framing members? The material list, under the "count" column always shows the total lineal feet. In the Structural Reporting, I can set the default to "buy list", "cut list" and it still shows lineal feet. Thanks in advance, Lane
  12. Hello, Does anyone know how many program discs came with V10? I have 3 program discs but before I install it on a different machine, I want to make sure I have all the discs. UPDATE: I just looked at the discs and see it is a three disc set. I should have looked before I posted. Thanks in advance, Lane
  13. What it the difference between Layer Sets, and Saved Plan Views. It seems redundant to me, so I must be missing something. Thanks in advance, Lane
  14. My foundation wall is set to 97-1/2" (8' Concrete +1-1/2" Sill Plate). When I click inside the foundation and the structure tab opens, it shows the wall height as 97-1/2". However, when I dimension the wall in an elevation view, the foundation wall measures 7'-11 3/4". How can I fix it so it is accurate at 96" (excluding the sill plate). A screen shot is attached. It does this on all four elevation views, front, sides, rear. Thanks in advance, Lane
  15. Good Morning! Does Chief have any libraries for carriage bolts, bolt sections, etc? Specifically I am looking for a carriage bolt, showing the bolt, washer and nut in a plan view. Thanks in advance, Lane
  16. Good morning! I want to turn off the display for "Exterior Rooms" on the foundation level framing. I cannot find a layer for the "Exterior Rooms", so how can I turn off the display for this? Thanks in advance, Lane
  17. Is there a way to exclude some of the columns (Like Manufacturer, Comments) from the Material List? Thanks, Lane Nevermind, got it.
  18. When create cad details I define them with a border box. All boxes are the identical width, but they vary in height. The border box and the Cad Detail is then blocked and saved. When the Cad Detail is sent to the layout, the program creates a second border box surrounding the Cad Block border box. This makes it time consuming to use the Align To Closest Edge tool, because I want the alignment to the original Cad Block, not the border created by the program. Is there a way to set the program generated box so it aligns with the Cad Block border box? It may be hard to see from the screenshot, but there are actually two boxes....I do not want the outer box, only the inner box. Anyone else run into this?
  19. Thanks. I think this bears out the old adage "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Lane
  20. In X15, when I created a CAD block, then added it to the User Library, it would show up in the bottom of the tree. From there I could re-name it, then click on it and select "move to folder". Now, in X16, the "Move to folder" option is gone. Is it just my program, or did X16 take a step backwards? Is there a different way to move an item from one folder to another without cutting it from the first folder, then pasting it to the second folder? Thanks in advance. Lane
  21. Hello, I have different wall fill colors for different types of walls. I want to print in black and white. Before sending the view to the Layout, when I toggle the color off, all of the wall fills become black. I would like them to be transparent or white. How do I accomplish this? Thanks, Lane