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Posts posted by Dennis_Gavin

  1. Thea used to get a lot of "ink" on the forum but not so much now that Chief has improved it's own ray tracing engine.

    There are still some who use it and the results are great but there is of course a learning curve and a separate program

    to deal with.  No plug ins for Chief.  There is a procedure for exporting for other programs but others who do it will have

    to chime in on that.  I have stopped using Thea.

  2. Rolowe - you can put 3 cabinets together, take a full camera overview and delete the top and other areas in the cabinet you don't want and save the cabinet as a symbol.  Bring it back in and do as I mentioned in post #3.  Doesn't really take that long.  YOU can them also save it for the future.


    Here is the single cabinet with the two sinks in place.


  3. Make the counter top a custom top.  Insert sink.  select sink and move to where you want it.

    Install sink from library outside the cabinet by accepting prompt.  Create an ellips in the top that

    matches the sink or slightly smaller.  convert to counter top and select hole in counter top.

    Make sure it is in the exact place you want it before you do the conversion.  Move sink into place.

    Do the same for additional sinks


  4. I also think X6 has a problem as X5 works with no problems..  I started a new plan today and went back to X5.  I must say though that the other plans I have problems with were done in X5 and then additions were made in X6.  Basically new projects for past customers.

  5. I am not 100% sure whether it is X6 needing more resources or if it is my laptop.

    The thing is I cannot try the programs with the changes in X5 to see.

    Opening the legacy version of the plans that are giving me trouble in X5 with no problems.

    And the changes are not that intense to have such an effect. 

  6. I am also noticing X6 as being much slower.  In one file when saving it takes about 15 seconds.

    IN another  certain movements seemed to hang some before being performed/

    The plans are both legacy from X5.  Never had a problem with them there.

  7. you have to change the x and y settings for the image. 

    there are 7 boards at 5 1/2" each so the x would be 7x5.5

    the y can be anything that looks good.  96, 120 etc.  it will stretch to

    whatever length.  IF it looks too stretched lower the number but that

    sometimes makes a repeat of the pattern more visible.  IF things don't look

    right based on what I am telling you reverse the x and y settings as the orientation

    is opposite.