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Posts posted by Kiwideziner

  1. Decimals work fine in angular dimensions but it would be nice to be able to change the number of decimal places as most builders can only work to plus/minus 1 degree.

    I would like to be able to specify and angle to 1 decimal place 12.6 ° not 12.5978°

  2. The only reason to print to PDF if for a record of what is printed, I only do this once at each time I issue a set of drawings.

    It means printing twice once to PDF and once fron PDF which is a waste of time to do it for check prints or working prints during design phase.

  3. Todd

    As you are still learning i would probably wait till the X7 full release in March before upgrading. Even though there are very few differences between the versions. Another month or so would give you that much more knoweledge and you are not going to have to worry about bugs in the software. This version for me has been very good bug wise, better than most previous versions.

    At the end of the day it comes down to a decission you feel comfortable with.


  4. I have not got chief on this machine, but the only other thing that I can think of is in the CA setup in preferences where you can input the file locations you have not inputed the same 'my data folder'.

    We are all stabbing in the dark slightly, you may have to contact Tech support.

  5. Is the file location path exactly the same from each of the computers? ie the file resides on a seperate server and the path is something like  g:\plans\2015\client\filename.

    If it is like this it should all be there as the plans are supposed to look in the current directory first.


    If the path is different fron each comouter you may have problems.

  6. Open layout and export each sheet individually to dwg. You then have to realize that the actual plan is not at 1:1 as per normal model space drawing, only the title block is 1:1.

    There is also another very recent post on this subject I responed to yesterday.