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  1. Before you go to all of the trouble to draw thickened walls. . I would make sure that this is what your client wants. . Also a good idea to make sure this is what the builder wants. . I always try to include the builder at some point during the design process to make sure everything is on track for the clients budget. If it was me I would draw that plan to the standards of my area(if that makes sense) unless the client specifically wanted these walls.
  2. Also, Make sure your attic walls are aligned with walls below and like Solver said side to side.
  3. I'm a Draftsman and when my clients bring me a plan that they had an Architect draw for them or email me a plan that is not in Chief format. I always tell them that I charge a certain fee to redraw the plan in my program and I also charge an extra fee for changes to that plan. When it comes to anything that has to do with renderings and 3D walk-through's in my opinion the price is determined per plan. . a walk-through for a 1500 sqft house would be alot less expensive then a 3000-4000 sqft home. . I had a client use a popular company to do exterior renderings of the Wedding venue I was designing for her. Renderings that were probably better than Chief could do but could get close. She paid over $1000 for one perspective view of the front elevation. . That being said I love using 3d and renderings but I almost talk my clients out of them because they are not necessary at all and are very time consuming. Id charge at least $80-100/hr for any kinda of 3d.
  4. Looking to upgrade my computer(very outdated). . I am a draftsman and mainly do residential new constitution homes varying from 1200-4000 sqft. I push out on average 100 plans a yr. . I keep it basic with Elevations, floor plan, roof plan, and foundation plan. . The occasional 3d walk through. . I'm really wanting to get more into the renderings and 360 views in hopes to generate more revenue. . my main goal is to get a computer that has almost zero lag time when making changes to floor plans or updating cross sections in the layouts. . Also, as everyone knows renderings are extremely time consuming so beings able to cut that time down and also getting the best quality of the image. These links are rated from affordable to money is no option. . Obviously I would like to know if the 1st option would work. Also if anyone had anything compatible to these options and what yalls thoughts. Any feed back is appreciated.
  5. Looking to upgrade my computer(very outdated). . I am a draftsman and mainly do residential new constitution homes varying from 1200-4000 sqft. I push out on average 100 plans a yr. . I keep it basic with Elevations, floor plan, roof plan, and foundation plan. . The occasional 3d walk through. . I'm really wanting to get more into the renderings and 360 views in hopes to generate more revenue. . my main goal is to get a computer that has almost zero lag time when making changes to floor plans or updating cross sections in the layouts. . Also, as everyone knows renderings are extremely time consuming so beings able to cut that time down and also getting the best quality of the image. These links are rated from affordable to money is no option. . Obviously I would like to know if the 1st option would work. Also if anyone had anything compatible to these options and what yalls thoughts. Any feed back is appreciated.
  6. This doesn't solve your problem but Either I'm just missing something or it looks like you going to have some major water trap issues with the gable coming down into that exterior wall. . Surely I'm just not seeing this right.
  7. I am a draftsman and I own my own business drawing and designing residential homes. . My dad started this business and I took over. . Our business didn't start out as a full time job. It was a side job for my dad that he did from his house. By word of mouth we grew. . Then I took over and have a separate office for netting client. In my opinion getting as many local builders on board as possible and keeping them happy is the best thing you can do. I'm the soul sulporter of my family of 3. I have 90% of the builders in my county. The other 10% are walkins that don't have builders. . But by word of mouth they have heard of me. . My plans consist of elevations, roof plan, floor plan, foundation plan, and a typical wall section. Tecinally all you need to build the house. . Cabinet plans, electrical plans ,and anything else is additional cost. It's just not nessicery now a days. Especially if you have people that actually know what they are doing. So that keeps my cost down. I love what I do and I make the design process fun for my customers. Just give the customers what they want(because it's their house not yours) and provide them with your expertise advise and suggestions. I charge by the heated/cooled sq ft and an upfront deposit. . I have my open wide format printer and copier. . There are obviously slow months and busy months. Luckily the community I'm in is growing at a rapid pace and I haven't seen a slow month in Over 2 years. It's enevitable though. That's part of being in business for yourself.
  8. If you're wanting heating and cooled sq footage to stud wall and brick/siding. . Go to your default settings. Click plan. . There should be an option to show Living Area to "main layer"(stud wall) or "surface layer" (brick/siding). . If you want total under roof do like the other guys said above. .