Roof Framing


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Probably a beginner question, but what is the best way to show sub-fascia in a 2d roof framing plan.

I typically build my roofs manually using roof planes. I have the build roof set to trusses. Then when I go to build framing automatically it always builds the roof framing out of rafters and not trusses.

I like how it shows the sub-fascia though. If I draw a truss manually and copy it across the roof, I can't figure out how to show the sub-fascia.


Right now I've been building the framing automatically, then deleting everything except the sub-fascia. Then drawing in the trusses.


What am I missing?

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Subfascia is rare when you use a truss system.  Often for trusses it would be blocking between the ends of the truss (if you wanted some sort of extra nailer), or build-out from the fascia if it was a visual thing - in which case your fascia would be the "sub-fascia".....but we call that a "build-up" fascia detail.  The blocking is super easy to add in CA using the blocking tool.


However, im sure a chief expert could figure this out for you if you really wanted "sub-fascia" on a truss end - good question on sequence. 

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