Keynote Schedules that work


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I wanted to share a breakthrough (at least for me) solution that I came up with for using keynote schedules.  Similar ideas have probably been discovered and are being used already but for me I had not been able to find something that would work like this up till now.  I used to work in the structural engineering field for about 10 yrs and I used keynotes on my plans extensively with a keynote schedule on the side of the plan with the description of the keynote on the plans.  For those who may not know the terminology a keynote is a little symbol usually a number that is used to bring attention to a specific part of the plan.  If we have to use text to describe everything in the plan then the plans would start to get really cluttered.  So to recap little numbers on the plan, then corresponding text on the side of the plan describing what is going on where the number is calling out. ...   Well in Chief I used to just use text with a box around it to make the keynote on the plan and then text entities on the side of the plan to describe.  This was time consuming having to reorganize the keynote schedule when a keynote was added or deleted.  So I discovered this way to help make things faster.  To start with I made a very small 1/32" x 1/32" polyline solid (something that could really not be seen on the plan), Then I exported it as a symbol file and then reimported it as an interior fixture (so it would be smart and have it own label).  I then added it to the library and copy and pasted its as many times as I needed for different keynotes.  I named each symbol in the library what I wanted the keynote description in the schedule to read. (see image)  Then I used the fixture schedule and set it to only include the indoor / outdoor items. By using the indoor /outdoor inclusion, the schedule won't include the fixtures I use for elec., havc, plumbing, or appliances.  ( I have schedules for elec., havc, plumbing, & appliances separately.)    When I place these keynotes on the plan the schedule now populates with the keynotes and numbers saving time.   Again this may have been thought of before by someone else but its great when you can discover things that can help make you faster.  Attached are some examples to help explain what I'm referring to.  If anybody has any ideas like this please share.  Thanks 



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We've had quite a few discussions on this concept.  Here are a few of the more recent ones.


Most of us use plant schedules for what you're talking about but as we've discussed in the above threads (as well as others) and as you've discovered, other schedules work as well.  I've found the 2 major benefits of using plant schedules are that the symbol can be entirely invisible and plant labels display in the front drawing group in all situations (at least that I know of) which can't be said of some of the other options.


The method you are using is very similar to the method I used for the shearwall schedule in the last link above.

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