Seeking help with importing picture of back of house and then extending it


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I have a photo of the back and side of my house which is attached. (I could only take a picture of one side because of trees) 

I have not invested in purchasing the software yet. 

I would like to get a quote from someone who knows how to use the software to do the following:

1) Import my photo into Chief Architect or have it recreated by Chief Architect.

2) Extend the back of the house another 16 feet.  The back of the house would stay exactly the same as it is now.

3) Create a PDF of the back of the house that I could present to my Homeowner's Association for an application to create an addition.

4) Provide me with the file that I could then import into Chief Architect if I decide to eventually purchase the software.



Cumming, Georgia, USA



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While I'm not interested in completing the project

for you I did a quick model using the width of the

siding boards as a ruler to establish some rough

dimensions. Is this what you are looking for? If so 

Chief is fully capable of producing the documents

you require.



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