Wall fill types & patterns not changing


Go to solution Solved by DBCooper,

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Hello, I'm designing an add-on to an older home. I would like the new walls to have diagonal lines to indicate they are new. But, when I go into the 'wall types', 'define', then change the 'fill', nothing happens. The wall remains white, with no pattern. Not even colors work. Am I missing something? 


Also, is there a way to change the 'wall fill' pattern on select walls only instead of changing every wall?



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  • Solution

Make sure the wall you drew is using the wall type you changed.  Make sure the "walls, layers" is turned on.  Make sure the wall is not a "railing".  Could be something else, but would probably need to have a plan to look at.


As far as other ways to make some walls look different, could also use the wall hatch tool.


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