Frieze Board Issues


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On the attached plan I have a couple issues with my frieze boards. 


1. On the left wall of the gym, for some reason the frieze is not displaying.

2. on the 6:12 roof at the bay over the bedroom I can't change the frieze to another size. It seems to be stuck at what it was originally set at. I need it to be 1x4 NOT 1x8. Most other places I can adjust the frieze just fine.


Thanks for having a look.



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@PitMan71In the plan view you can turn on the roof trim layer, select the Frieze molding and edit the size of the Bay. Use the disconnect selected edge tool in the edit toolbar to disconnect it from the others. I'm not sure why the one wall in the Gym is not building the frieze but you can select the frieze on the back wall and extend it around the corner.

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15 hours ago, Garybills said:

In the plan view you can turn on the roof trim layer, select the Frieze molding and edit the size of the Bay.

I will check this out. Thanks for the tip. Imma also gonna look at what you mentioned about the gym frieze.


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