Elevation Symbols - coordination b/w plan file & layout file


Go to solution Solved by robdyck,

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I'm not a beginner in Chief Arch yet don't think I've experienced this before in version 16. Once I've dropped my elevation views onto sheets in my layout file, and save both, shouldn't those page #'s remain associated with those view in my plan file? If I close the layout file my sheet numbers disappear in my plan file....almost as if they were temporary placeholder spots not confirmed/saved. I admit I'm newer to using the Project Browser to coordinate & navigate my views between the plan & layout files (just never learned the correct way originally) but everything seems fine there.


The symbols are also showing as different sizes but assume this is a related problem (missing page numbers that will increase the size of the symbol). Thanks for any thoughts on this.




Screenshot layout 1.jpg

Screenshot plan 1.jpg

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OK thx robdyck guess I've never noticed this b/c I almost always have both open simultaneously. Must be a feature that forces the 2 to constantly coordinate with each other in case of any changes, rather than leaving ghosted information lying around. Smart.

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