Roof and furniture floating


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I have a step level home, while working on some paneling in the stairs nowhere near the glitching room (see images) I finished my edit and saved my progress before realising something is causing my gable wall to disapear, the roof and all the furniture are floating. Because it is a step level home it has been very difficult having the first floor under the primary elevation, while having a garage and the room above the garage built from the primary elevation up. I think the furniture is floating at the main homes (atic Layer) and an interior wall is now filling where an exterior was (Gray wall on the back side of the home). Also the floor disapeared. It has to be something really easy I'm just not seeing it. Help?! I'm not very good at this. Another issue I have is I lost my bay window. It was built as a room because the "bay window" wouldn't work. After Building the front porch cover it caused the walls to become invisible while the windows remained. I deleted it all because I didn't have the time to fix it. any advice would be much appreciated on both of these issues. Thank you! Home Designer Suite


PS: I'm realising that the dining room no longer registers as a room, when I go down a floor to the "garage floor" the stairs are showing as part of the garage?


I got it. So much time laps inbetween using the software that i forget the most obvious things. Somehow I disconnected the stairwell from the floor when messing with the doorway to the kitchen at some point.


Furniture floating.jpg

Untitled 1.jpg

Untitled 2.jpg

Untitled 3.jpg

Untitled 4.jpg

Untitled 5.jpg

Front of house 2 1500.jpg


Kitchen High Def.jpg


Untitled 6.jpg

Edited by LeutenantDan
Figured it out and used soffet for a few misc glitches
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  • In Flooding Situations – When a home is severely flooded, water can lift lightweight furniture, and in extreme cases, roofs can detach due to buoyant force or strong currents.
  • Construction and Design – Some architectural designs feature "floating roofs" (e.g., tank roofs that adjust with liquid levels) or "floating furniture" (wall-mounted pieces that appear to hover).
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