Shared Objects / Materials


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I work with a team of designers and we have a library of Sketchup components & materials that we use in our chief files.  Currently this is all located in our file explorer.


Is there a better way to share components / materials with each other?  I would love to be able to download a light fixture from the Sketchup warehouse, assign chief architect properties to it, and then my colleague would be able to easily grab that light fixture and put into their model with those properties in place.  Currently, we have to import each sketchup object 1 by 1 into our personal libraries.  If someone adds a new light fixture into our file explorer, everyone has to go in and add it in their personal chief as well.


I'm thinking this would be similar to a 'manufacturer catalog' that a cabinet company may release.  Is this available to use even if we are not 'manufacturers'?  I would love to have a 'Our company' catalog that we could update & would be synced with everyone's computer.


Thank you!

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