Window and door casing after adding exterior insulation


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Hello, I am working on a remodel and we're adding 2-1/2" of exterior insulation and a 3/4" rain screen to the exterior of existing 2x4 stud walls.  I added them to the exterior layer on the wall type. Now I can't get them to render correctly. Does anyone know where I can find a way to change the casing/sash so that it looks correct on the rendering?




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@ElkRivers You're probably going to have to play around with the recessed to wall and jamb/frame settings on your doors & windows. If they're set to recess to the sheathing or main layer (options tab in door/window dbx) then I believe that will change where the ext. casings build from. Or you could probably make the casings thicker too. If you're able to post the plan someone could probably give you a better answer.

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