Layer Display Options for Cross Sections Automatically Changing - Why?


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Hi all,


I've been using Chief a long time but first time posting here -- I am having issues, which just started after my upgrade to X16, with cross section views that I have sent to a layout.


I link cross section views to layouts the same way I link plans views:

- I have several Layer Sets created (which reference several analogous Annotation Sets which I have created) to display different things in the same cross section view (e.g. Cabinetry Elevations set, Electrical Elevations set, Tile Elevations set, etc.)

- In my layout, I show the same cross section view on various pages (e.g. electrical page, cabinetry page...) and I set the Layer Display Options to display a different Layer Set on each. I do the same thing with plan views, as I imagine others do as well

- I always use 'plot lines' for the cross section displays, rather than "live view'


The recent problem is that with the cross section views, every time I click through to the cross section view from the layout and then close it again, ALL instances of the cross section in my layout update to display the most recent Layer Set I was working on. (This does not happen with plan views.) So now every time I edit a cross section view, I have to go through my layout and change the Layer Display Options for each linked box to the proper Layer Set again. You can imagine how frustrating it is, and I am always afraid I'm going to miss one before I print this.


This never happened with my cross sections before in X15 and older. Am I missing something? Is there a new "auto update Layer Sets" option for cross section views which I can turn off? Is anyone else having this issue?


Thanks for your help!





Emily Bickl, PUD | Lead Designer

11741 Bowman Green Drive, 2nd Fl

Reston, VA 20190

Construction Docs Layout w Layout Display Issues.layout

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I don't think Chief likes having one camera view sent to two different layout boxes using different layer sets.  It looks like when you update the plot lines that it wants to use the layer set from the camera view and not the one from the layout box and so it updates both views.  I'm not sure if anything changed from X15 or not but I have always used a one camera for every layout box rule and not had this problem.  It's pretty easy to copy cameras now so it should be easy to fix.


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