Electrical Items are moving themselves when I reflect about center


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I work for a production builder and do a lot of flipping existing plans to garage left or garage right.  I do this by  Edit -> Edit Area ->Edit Area (All Floors) ->Transform/Replicate ->Reflect Horizontally (Change Left <-->Right) .  It seems that lately some of my electrical items swap which side of the wall they are placed on and often end up stacked on top of one another (mainly switches, TV outlets, Wall mounted lights).   I have looked for a setting to change because it seems like maybe they are set to snap to a default wall side, but I do not see anything like that.  Has anyone run into this or have an idea how I can keep this from happening?   I have attached the plan file as it stands right after using the reflect command in case it helps.  


Thank you,


Bozeman Plan.zip

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28 minutes ago, BenjaminZ said:

I work for a production builder and do a lot of flipping existing plans to garage left or garage right.  I do this by  Edit -> Edit Area ->Edit Area (All Floors) ->Transform/Replicate ->Reflect Horizontally (Change Left <-->Right) .  It seems that lately some of my electrical items swap which side of the wall they are placed on and often end up stacked on top of one another (mainly switches, TV outlets, Wall mounted lights).   I have looked for a setting to change because it seems like maybe they are set to snap to a default wall side, but I do not see anything like that.  Has anyone run into this or have an idea how I can keep this from happening?   I have attached the plan file as it stands right after using the reflect command in case it helps.  


Thank you,


Bozeman Plan.zip 3.61 MB · 0 downloads

We can only kind've guess at this because there is no documentation to support it but when flipping the plan the model is re-built and since many electrical symbols options classifications are designated as "mounts to wall" the symbol has to find a wall and there is some sort of internal tolerance being applied that can sometimes be a miss.
If you plan on flipping a plan, you could group select like symbols and designate them as mounts to floor instead of wall before you flip and then they will not be searching for walls but rather they will keep their xy coordinates relative to a model space flip

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