Can a Cantilevered truss be built in X15?


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I wish to create a cantilevered truss which the bottom board which sits on the top of the wall and runs all the way out to the fascia as the one in the image I have attached.

I've just started a new plan after destroying my last plan with bad habits and editing I didn’t know was causing so much chaos.
In my quest to not repeat another junk plan I have started over. I'm setting defaults and then testing them in a new plan to see if I can get the results I need.

I've gotten to the point I want to add the roof structure and need to duplicate the cantilevered truss in the image below with a 24" overhang on a 6" pitch to match the exiting home I am adding on to. Can X15 create this truss? If it can't is the only option to manually edit a truss once I get the correct heel setting and replicate the trusses across the build or at least edit one for the Layout that the truss company will use?


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