How to fill two rooms with one floor pattern continuously?


Go to solution Solved by DBCooper,

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How do people design large multipurpose spaces? Maybe I'm just doing it wrong. 

I have kitchen, dining and living space as one U-shaped area and leg of the U is a "separate" room of type kitchen, because it has different ceiling height and generally it's useful to see the kitchen "separately" when working on the plan. As a consequence of this I can't create a unified floor pattern, see the screenshot. The highlighted area is where the kitchen/dining boundary is. The boundary is purely logical (on the floor, ceiling is different). Is it possible to join the floors without joining the rooms?

Thanks for all the ideas


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  • Solution

You could try this:

 - Select one room.

 - Use the "expand room polyline tool".

 - Use the "make room polyline tool".

 - Use the "convert polyline" tool.

 - Make it a "material region".


It should have a continuous material/pattern.  You can adjust the material properties if you want to change the angle or offsets.


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