Soffit Issue at Overhang


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I just recently have been noticing this soffit issue. I don't know what is causing it. I haven't had any trouble with it before. Sometimes it will show like the picture on the left, other times it will delete the fascia below the soffit line (pic on right). Sometimes, it is not consistent on each side of a reverse dormer. One roof plane will be fine and the other the soffit sticks through. I don't know if it is the eave cut that is the culprit. I haven't had the issue before though. Plan attached.


Soffit Issue.planFetching info...  1724040699_SoffitIssue.thumb.png.ba7e5d18d9d2e58c70bb9d1ebdef5a8b.png               1981220155_SoffitIssue2.thumb.png.88ca80bc4ad37fe5cce805bec117cfe1.png

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