Print to PDF Issue with X16


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In my title sheet and view labels, I have a light gray box behind the text. Today, when I export my layout sheets to PDF, the boxes of grey fill only display the outline and don't display any fill. I have used layout to pdf successfully last week in X16. First thought - updated some drivers a few days ago, maybe that's the issue. Doesn't appear to be. Restart the computer. Doesn't help. Try a file in X15. Works perfectly. Install X16 on my laptop which has a different set of drivers. Same missing grey fill. Tried to print with my pdf driver (not the chief one), doesn't work. Stumped at the moment.

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Yes, that was it. Print in color was turned off. I never fiddle with that setting so don't know why it was off. Anyway, my gray fill is back. Thanks for the clue.

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