Drawing Sheet Setup - Save Scale to View


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About 6 months ago, I discovered drawings sheet setup (File>Print>Drawing Sheet Setup) which is extremely helpful to see how line weights and line type scale will appear.  However, I thought that the Drawing Sheet Setup was linked and saved to the view.  In fact, it says that it is in the Help files.  However, it appears that it's global across all views in the file.  Perhaps I'm missing something.  Can anyone let me know if there is a setting somewhere that allows to be tied and saved to the view?  


I did find a work around.  If I have the layout file open and then I open the view from the sheet layout, then chief does change the scale in the drawing sheet setup to the scale that is set in the layout.  However, it would be nice, if we didn't have to open the view from the sheet in order for the line weights and line type scales to look correct regardless.   


here's a screencapture video if this is confusing.  


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