How To Vary Foundation Height - Basement Wall V. Frost Wall


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I am a newer user to the Home Designer Architectural 2015 software, but have some autocad and microstation experience.

Nonetheless, I am trying to vary the height of my 'house foundation wall' vs. 'attached garage frost walls'.


The house foundation wall was auto built with the auto build foundation tool.  It's height is standard at 8'.

The garage I have is attached to the house, but needs a 4' frost wall.  The auto build foundation tool built

everything at 8'.


I'm not having any luck making the change from 8' to 4' for just a frost wall (in Wisconsin).  It seems simple enough, but not

having any luck.  Any help is appreciated.  Thanks!


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Hi Johnny you have inadvertently Posted on ChiefTalk instead of Hometalk , you can use the same ID and password over there to sign in too.


But my guess is you didn't setup the Garage foundation it the Build Floor>Foundation>Garage section something like this assuming you have all these options :




If the foundation is all auto done by the program , just delete it and start again.

you should get something like below with the above settings:





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