Interior/exterior wall square footages?


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Quite a few ways, but here's a pretty simple one:


Drop a Room Finish Schedule into your plan, delete all the columns, add Area Interior and Area Standard.  Set the schedule to Include Objects from All Floors and to Display Totals Row.  This should give you 2 totals.  Just manually subtract the one from the other. 

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Create a wall schedule, add "Total Width" to "Columns to Include" and "Display Totals Row"

Multiply wall length by ceiling height and you have your wall area of both interior and exterior walls. 



In the past I've also changed drywall materials to measure by square foot rather than per sheet.  The materials list would then give you the square footage.  I use "drywall taped" for exterior walls and make a copy renamed "Drywall Taped2" and use that for one side of the interior walls.



WB1 is ceiling finish (see room specification).

WB2 is the other side of your interior wall in sheets.

WB3 is ceiling drywall sheets.

WB4 is exterior wall areas

WB5 is interior wall areas.


Measurements are off by the intersections, of course.  But if you did the same thing for siding, you'd get the deck exterior included in the sf.

Not perfect, but pretty close.


EDIT - compare 27.75 wall length x 9' wall height = 249.75 with WB6 239.23 -which is missing 1 intersection.

and compare 68 wall length x 9' wall height = 612.00 with WB5 572.27 - which as 4 overlaps in the outside corners and missing 3 intersections with interior walls.

Edited by JiAngelo
forgot to add comparison
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