Need help with connecting walls at angle w/ specific dims


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New to Chief and not exactly sure how to connect walls with an unkown angle. I have dims connecting it all, but don't know the angle. How can I get it to all connect with specific dims? When I connect the walls, the dims change, and I need to connect the two parts of the overall space. 

1. Connect angled walls within the room at specific dims

2. Connect overall space with angle. N side (left side) of drawing, S side ( right side) - needs to connect at a slight oblique angle... I'm hoping to rotate the S side drawing to connect the two once I can get enough else in place to secure dims.

Hope this makes sense and TIA!



TICHENOR_Basement As Built.pdf TICHENOR_Basement As Built_ both parts.pdf

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Sounds like you just need to find where they'd intersect at those distances. I'd use Circle About Center, 10'6" from one 4'10" from the other, draw lines to the intersection to mark the angles. Use Make Parallel/Perpendicular to set the walls to said angles, then Point to Point Move them into position.



Not sure exactly what angles you're aiming for but CAD Lines, Make Parallel/Perpendicular and angular dimensions are great for finding how far to rotate the other portion of your drawing.



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