Roof Issues: attaching a gable porch roof underneath existing house roof


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I'm fairly new to Chief Architect, but know my way around for the most part. I'm using Chief Architect Premier x15. I'm looking for suggestions on a design I created and how to fix a 12' x 5' 11" porch to a gable roof as seen in the attached design. I believe that the porch roof is trying to tie into the exiting house roof which is not what I'm looking to achieve. I would like the porch to be a 4/12 gable style roof, but attached to the end wall of the house underneath and not the existing house roof. I'm not sure where the error is exactly and why Chief Architect is not allowing me create the gable roof. Anytime that particular roof is edited it will change the roof size of the whole project design. Any advice or thoughts on how to correct this issue?


I'd be happy to provide any additional information or photos if not design doesn't suffice.


Please see attached design for gable roof issues.


Thank you in advance!



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Is this what you are trying to accomplish?

I did this by changing the "roof group" of your porch room to roof group (1). I opened the short walls of the deck and on the roof tab changed the pitch to 4/12. I then rebuilt the roof. 

By placing the porch on roof group two it treats this area as a separate roof area...and will not attempt to combine it with the main roof. 


The result isn't something I'd like...but I'm not sure I'm even doing what you want. 


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