Commercial style hollow metal door


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I am trying to create a simple hollow metal door and frame and get it to recess into a multilayered wall.  See illustration....the red circled CAD line version is what I am trying to accomplish. The door is created with just a frame to the size I want with no interior or exterior trim....just like a commercial door.  When I try to recess in the wall structure it pulls the door panel away from the frame.  Ideally i would be able to set a 6" frame width and set at any depth within the wall thickness. (6" standard commercial frame depth although they can make up any size, x nominal 2" width.  And I am just omitting the 5/8" door stop which is typical on a HM frame).


An advice is greatly appreciated.



Mike Dolce, Architect





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Thank you for the reply.  That works well enough although it seems like it could be improved...i.e. more flexibility to slide the frame front to back in the opening with less reliance on the wall definitions.


Thanks again!

Mike Dolce

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