Room dialogue shows deck room for non-deck room


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A second floor mezzanine room with railing along one side is showing dialogue that assumes it is a deck room. Floor is showing on the exterior of the wall. How do you stop it from assuming it is a deck room? Have tried other room types from storage to closet etc. What defines it as a deck room? How does one change that?

2nd floor mezzazine deck dialogue.png

2nd floor mezzazine not deck.png

2nd floor mezzazine floor showing through exterior wall.png

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The upper room name in the roof specification dialog box is not just a name but is a programming command for that room, so if you select "Deck" the program supports that space as a "deck" and decks are programmed to  have no "non-decks" built under them. Where I need this to happen I designate  the Deck as actually a balcony. The software allows something that looks like a deck but isn't when named a balcony. But what a space is named Deck it then reacts accordingly. Software has NO OPINIONS; only programing.



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I was using an old plan of the Barndominium so there could be a residual that this was a deck in an earlier incarnation. However, I am NOT picking deck as the room type. I'm selected storage and then closet and, yes, balcony and it still brings the Deck Room Dialogue. I'm assuming that is one reason the floor is poking through the exterior wall.

More to the point then. How do I get rid of the floor poking through the exterior wall?

My Dad use to say give me all the help I ask for and none of the help I don't ask for.  This deck dialogue is help I didn't ask for and don't want.

Programs can be designed to deal with these problems if the software designers are aware of the problem. I'll go put it in the beta reporting.

Also want them to fix the Show building only when you go from layout to an elevation view.  First you get a itty bitty view the size of a dot of your plan, then hit the show building and you get a small version almost off the top of the page. It wasn't a problem until about X14. 

Thank you for your response.

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