Exterior wall not disappearing when uploaded to 3D viewer cloud.


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This is my first chief architect project and I'm having a problem when uploading to the 3d viewer cloud. It hides the exterior wall in all my views in chief architect but when I upload to the 3D viewer cloud none of the walls are disappearing. Its a very small bathroom and its hard to see everything from inside the room. First, I couldn't get the lights to come on in viewer cloud (I set lights) and now I can't even see into the bathroom on the viewer cloud because the walls are not disappearing. I've tried saving active view with checking the hide exterior wall box and many different things, but nothing is working. It worked on my first test uploads but not working now. I tried resetting all settings and even uninstalling/reinstalling and I still can't get it to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated, the customer was supposed to view this yesterday. Thanks

Chief question upload2.png

chief question upload1 .png

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