Export Current View to Dwg. Elevation is not working - Dimensions only visible


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Trying to convert elevations to dwg. has become an issue now with Depth cue on .

I have noticed in the past issues no problem with export current view to dwg.

Now its missing the building.

I am frustrated here trying to send the elevations that i created in Chief to an Engineer who needs dwg file.

Can you fix this issue?



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Seems to work for me, at least I could not see any difference between a dwg with depth cue on and one with it off.


Have you tried sending the engineer the dwg with depth cue turned off?  I'm not sure why the engineer would need it turned on.


If you want more help, then you will probably want to post the plan you are using or send it to tech support.


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To post a plan on the forum, you can either zip it (ie: make it a compressed archive file) or remove things that are not needed so that the plan is small enough to post.  The other thing a lot of people do is put it online somewhere like dropbox and just post a link here.


To contact tech support, you need to go here:



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