Cleaning Up Old Versions


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Hi All,


I'm trying to free up some space on my drives and I've noticed that Chief leaves behind a lot of stuff from old versions even after an uninstall.  In particular, the C:\Program Data\Chief Architect Premier Xx folders are several GB in size.  Am I going to get in any trouble if I delete those, and are there any other big artifacts that you all know about that I might be able to get rid of?


Thanks in advance for any help.

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  On 7/23/2022 at 12:27 AM, ChiefMango said:

I am using Chief Architect......?


I'm sorry, I guess I don't understand the feedback.



Yes , but as you haven't done you Forum Signature , nobody know which Version and sometime Answers are Version Specific.....


there is no "needed" reason to retain the Older Versions Data Folder  , though it may pay to for example copy everything in each ones Texture Folder to the latest Version's Texture Folder , and not allowing "replace existing" , as some older plans may still try looking for files in previous versions' folder if not already in the folder the plan is in or the current version's Texture Folder.


The Data folder also has your Archive Copies ( plan and layout backups ) copy of old User Libraries etc which you may want to backup "just in case" or at least check out rather that just delete whole Data folders willy nilly.





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  On 7/23/2022 at 12:39 AM, solver said:


Maybe this will make sense.


Everyone here appreciates it when new members complete their signature with some basic info including their version of Chief. Makes it easy for others to locate, and results in you getting the best answers.


You can add that info, Windows or Mac computer etc to your signature by clicking on your user name at the top right of the page, click Account Settings, then Signature on the left.




Roger that, will fix

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  On 7/23/2022 at 12:42 AM, Kbird1 said:


Yes , but as you haven't done you Forum Signature , nobody know which Version and sometime Answers are Version Specific.....


there is no "needed" reason to retain the Older Versions Data Folder  , though it may pay to for example copy everything in each ones Texture Folder to the latest Version's Texture Folder , and not allowing "replace existing" , as some older plans may still try looking for files in previous versions' folder if not already in the folder the plan is in or the current version's Texture Folder.


The Data folder also has your Archive Copies ( plan and layout backups ) copy of old User Libraries etc which you may want to backup "just in case" or at least check out rather that just delete whole Data folders willy nilly.






Awesome, thanks very much for the help

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