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Anno sets are now associated with individual Layout Views.  Layer Sets were already associated with Layout Views




I just learned that a view will remember the anno-set/layerset info


so even if the layerset and annoset dropdowns are used to select

the framing layerset and the 1/4" framing annoset


if a saved view is accessed that had been setup for plot plan layerset and annoset

it would use the plot plan info


the plan would continue to use the framing info


CA stated that this makes VIEW king where some where advocating

for layesets to be king or annosets to be king


I like Joe Carricks suggestion that layersets and annosets are JACKS

and have equal weight in relation to each other



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There you go again Lew, trying to make sense out of this stuff.       ;)    Not a windmill I care to tip.


I am not really into the Jacks and Kings thing.  I just prefer to use the pieces Chief gives us in a way that suits my working style best.  For me that means Layout views and the Project Browser working together.  I tend to think of it as a form of Dashboard.  One that I can use to steer my way through the needed settings in Chief.


One thing that I requested a while back was to have folders to better organize the groups in the Project Browser.  That would be a big help in keeping the lists of such things as Cameras and CAD Details more manageable.


What I am also trying to tell you Lew is that you can have any number of these working Layout Views that can be preset in your template plan.  Each can be set to fit a particular tasks requirements.  They do not need to display anything on the Layout Page itself.  I have Layer Sets in Layout that turns the borders of these working views on or off as needed.  So that you can picture it a bit better.  I keep them rather small, sort of like an oversized Icon.  I just need use them to get to the settings I want.


You don't have it quite right yet Lew.  When you use the Layout View and then select the Open View icon on the Edit Toolbar, you are opening the plan view with the anno set and layer set associated with this view in Layout.

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any number of these working Layout Views that can be preset in your template plan.  Each can be set to fit a particular tasks requirement




interesting, I will have to scope this out


can you post a sample of these ???


since we mainly did remodels we never felt the need to have a template plan

or get that organized


from day one we just cloned the last plan and went from there with making it

work for the next project


a crude SAM method



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Just send a view to layout then select the Open Object icon on the Edit toolbar.  In the Layout Box Specification dbx select the Plan View tab and choose the anno set you want associated with this Layout View.


Next go to the Layout Box Layers Icon on the default toolbar and select the Layer Set from the drop down box.


Drag the borders of the Layout View so that nothing is showing on the Layout Page and then position the view where you want it.  I like to put these working views on a special working views layer in the Layout.  That way I can use Layer Sets in the Layout to control multiple settings with one click from the drop down.


That is the essence of it, but the hard part is getting the settings set up the way you want them.  My settings would probably not mean anything to you Lew because they only make sense for the way that I like to work. You will need to experiment with your own settings in order for this method to make sense and be an efficient working system.

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working views on a special working views layer in the Layout.  That way I can use Layer Sets in the Layout to control multiple settings with one click from the drop down




neat, more study required :)



thanks, and I understand about the settings


there are a multitude of them and I will probably stay with OOB for now :)


I've never needed the multi-disciplines that some of the power users need



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Exactly, mine are very detailed concerning structural elements and framing, and also how I like to work with these types of settings.  I rather like the flexibility of this method, but it may not be for everyone and even then the particular settings are personal preference.

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the annoset "rabbit hole" is much deeper than anticipated :)


I thought I would take some time to study the annoset dbx and the default's being

chosen via that dbx


I was surprised that there it is like a maze - perhaps never-ending

open one dbx and there are more nested within and then within again


not sure how anyone can "master" all these settings

and how they inter-relate


certainly way more than I would ever need to use

for the remodeling projects that we used to do

and even the few new homes we did


like hunting mice with an elephant gun :)



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Layout Box Layers Icon on the default toolbar and select the Layer Set from the drop down box




kinda surprised that CA didn't put this on the Plan View tab also


would keep "everything" in one place


I'm sure they had a reason - just not sure I agree with it :)



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The anno set on the Plan tab is new for X6 though




thanks for the clarification


Not sure I can make sense of it all - the rabbit hole is deeper than I thought


As a former systems analyst I thought I could map it all out

but with taking 1-2 naps a day and always feeling like I need one

I think my cognitive reasoning has dissipated some :(



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