A Quick Generic Question: In The Cabinet Door Style Library,what Does The "ep" Mean?


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I've been wondering this, and thought I'd finally ask (I did a quick search in all the usual places to find the answers first, I swear) what does the "EP" stand for after a cabinet door style in the library? I can't tell the difference between, for instance, arched glass door, and arched glass door EP.





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I've always guessed that the EP means something like 'edge profile' or 'exterior profile' since all the doors with that label have a beaded or profiled exterior edge (and if you look at the other doors, they all appear to be plain square edged).  It's the only rational explanation I've been able to come up with.

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I just sent in the question to Chief Architect support, now that the weekend is over, and heard back from them. You were correct, OLD CKD, that it means "edge Profile".  The tech support person even sent me a file showing the difference, which I will attempt to attach here for everyone's information. 




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Well, nice to know I had the correct answer, even though it wasn't deemed the *BEST* answer....

Sometimes the stock library can be frustrating due to either lack of information (as above) or differences in terms that are found in different regions.  For example I once wasted way too much time looking for what we call a 'bulkhead' around here (cellar access door, usually sloped), never did find anything despite trying many different terms.   There have been many instances where I have to guess and guess as to what a symbol is or how it performs.  Not sure how that info could be added to the thumbnails, however, even though it would be very useful.

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Hi Old CKD--maybe I should have quoted your post so it could have been included in the "best answer"--I mainly thought that it would be helpful to include the picture of the edge profile that Chief sent in the best answer  so that everyone could see it quickly! I will see if I can attach your original post somehow. (I am still kind of new at the intricacies of the forum)

Thanks again


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  • Solution

I've always guessed that the EP means something like 'edge profile' or 'exterior profile' since all the doors with that label have a beaded or profiled exterior edge (and if you look at the other doors, they all appear to be plain square edged).  It's the only rational explanation I've been able to come up with.


Posted Yesterday, 09:21 AM

I just sent in the question to Chief Architect support, now that the weekend is over, and heard back from them. You were correct, OLD CKD, that it means "edge Profile".  The tech support person even sent me a file showing the difference, which I will attempt to attach here for everyone's information. 




Attached Thumbnails
  • Glass panel EP.jpg

Hope this helps someone!


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Sometimes the stock library can be frustrating due to either lack of information (as above) or differences in terms that are found in different regions.  For example I once wasted way too much time looking for what we call a 'bulkhead' around here (cellar access door, usually sloped), never did find anything despite trying many different terms.   There have been many instances where I have to guess and guess as to what a symbol is or how it performs.  Not sure how that info could be added to the thumbnails, however, even though it would be very useful.

 I agree. At least the manual or help menu should have a list of terms or alternate terms and maybe even an index, so you can find things easier. The library could definitely be made more "user friendly".  It is hard to believe that they would use an uncommon abbreviation like "EP" and not have it explained anywhere!

A list of sizes next to some library items would be helpful as well (I am thinking in particular of the things like crown molding. Why have so many in the library that look the same except for size? If you are going to probably end up having to resize it manually anyway, because it would take too long to go through the entire library stock of crown molding to find the size you want--so why do they bother to have so many without any indication of size?) Oh well. Maybe I should put that in the suggestion forum, though I'm sure others have already requested it!

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