Edit Library Symbols?


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I have a table library symbol that I am using for a restaurant plan. I have always wanted to edit library objects but dont know if it is possible. 


I need the legs on this table to be metal and the top wood. When I change the material of the table it is all one so all the table changes.


My question: Is there a way to edit library symbols such as this table so I can change shape, color or anything I would like? In this symbol I only want the legs to be metal and the top wood.


See the photos!




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1 hour ago, GoldenFeather said:

Is there a way to edit library symbols such as this table so I can change shape, color or anything I would like?


To be able to change the material of some parts of a symbol and not other parts they must be defined as different materials when the symbol is made. Changing shape is limited to stretching-either increase or decrease as defined by the symbols stretch planes or zones.

To do what you want with the symbol you have you have to make a new symbol. That can be done from scratch OR you can do it starting with that symbol in a new empty plan, using the delete surface tool and saving parts in stages then assembling the whole. In this case I'd start from scratch. You do that in a new blank plan.


Check the Reference manual sections on symbols, stretch planes etc.


To get you started

Attached plan with table made from cabinet, library file with the symbol and the parts used for the legs. The legs were placed in a blank plan, converted to symbol defined as cabinet door, then copied and offset changed to make them work. Open the symbols to get an idea of what is going on with them, and open the cabinet to check the configuration. (cabinets can be useful for making certain symbols)

When you  start making symbols save them in a directory somewhere (with sub folders for types) so you can adapt them to a new configuration. In this case you could change legs, molding, top thickness. More complicated shapes require polyline solids, molding lines etc. 




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41 minutes ago, GoldenFeather said:

I am interested in the second method you explained but I am having trouble following it.

 Help; read reference manual-


https://www.chiefarchitect.com/go?title=Chief Architect Premier&version=

go to bookmark-custom symbols. There are also info in the support section-Knowledge base and some videos.

Open all the symbols I posted and examine the DBX, then open the plan and the cabinet and do the same-see which symbols are used for what.

If you still don't get it then post specific question.

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