Res Check Info in Materials List (General)


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So since the X9 update we haven't done a Res Check on a house until today and noticed that all of the information we used to gather for that in the Materials list General Section is no longer there.  Used to have Ceiling SF, Walls SF, Windows and Doors SF, etc.  None of that is there any more.  Is there a new setting somewhere that can bring this back or a new Res Check area?  The Res Check exporter never worked for us so we just kept doing the same method we always did before but now we can't.


Any help would be appreciated.

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Do you actually have a General section displaying in the ML - or is the whole General section missing?


If the whole General section is missing, go up to the toolbar and select Display Options.

Make sure the General section is checked. 


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My last guess without seeing a plan is that you have your rooms defined as Unconditioned areas.

Or if you have Use Default set for Conditioned Room, you are using a room type that defaults to Unconditioned (like a Balcony, Attic, Deck, etc).

Unconditioned areas are not counted as part of the thermal envelope and thus do not show up as such in the General section of the ML.


Otherwise, post the plan.

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