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Chrisb222's post in Window Schedule question? was marked as the answer
Yes, set opening indicators to show in both the window DBX and the schedule DBX
Chrisb222's post in CALLOUT TEXT SIZE was marked as the answer
Usually controlled via the elevation camera layer settings:
(Also available in the Active Layer Display Options panel, if you keep that open)
You can also simply set your callout to adjust size automatically based on the text size, so the text doesn't exceed the callout:
Chrisb222's post in Saved Plan Views With Different Text And Dimension Scale was marked as the answer
Set your dimension default to "Use Layer For Text Style" and then in each Saved Plan View, select the appropriate text style in the Layer Display Options.
You can do the same for Plain Text, which follows a similar scheme as Dimensions, but Rich Text will not follow those same rules. You can have different sizes per SPV when you create Rich Text, but it won't change size when you switch views because it obeys a different algorithm.
Chrisb222's post in All Notes are set to default to "Text, Notes, Foundation" layer was marked as the answer
Out of the box, objects are assigned to System Default Layers which are hardcoded into the software and are not user-assignable and cannot be deleted, although their name can be changed. "Text, Notes" is the System Default Layer for Notes. Checking the Default Layer box sends the object to the System Default Layer, NOT your "default" layer. You don't want to check the box unless you want the Note to go to the System Default Layer.
Did you perhaps change the name of the out-of-box "Text, Notes" layer to "Text, Notes, Foundation"?
Just set up your default Plot Plan Note (under Default Settings > Text, Callouts and Markers > Note > Saved Note Defaults) to use the Plot Plan Notes layer, and they will be created on that layer. Ignore that checkbox- you should see the correct layer in that field, with the checkbox off. And change "Text, Notes, Foundation" back to just "Text, Notes," and create a new layer for Foundation Notes.
Chrisb222's post in Window vs Library Window - What's the Diff.? was marked as the answer
You can. Just type Custom Muntins into "Help":
Custom Muntins
You can design your own muntins for the glazing of a window or door. Muntins are formed from a CAD block composed of lines and arcs drawn over window or door glass in a cross section/elevation view. The CAD block should cover at least half the glass horizontally and one quarter of the area vertically, but should not overlap it in either direction by more than five percent. Nested CAD blocks cannot be used. See CAD Blocks.
Creating Muntins
Custom muntins are created by drawing their pattern using the CAD tools, blocking the pattern to create a CAD block, and then selecting the window and clicking the Load Muntins edit button.
To create custom muntins
Create a Cross Section/Elevation view of the wall the window or door is in and Zoom in on the window or door. Use the Draw Line and Draw Arc tools to design the desired muntins. Try to make them start and end as close to the edge of the glass as possible. When the muntin design is complete, group-select all lines and arcs and click the Make CAD Block edit button. See Selecting Objects. Select the door or window and click the Load Muntins edit button to convert the CAD block into custom muntins. If the window in question is the component of a mulled unit, bay, or box window, click on it and, then click the Select Next Object edit button. If the window in question is the component of a bow window, the custom muntins will load onto all of its components - not just one of them. If your window has more than one sash (a double-hung window, for example, has two), you must create a separate CAD block for each pane. When you click Load Muntins , all CAD blocks are loaded.
Custom muntins move with the opening and copy with their opening. They also stretch or compress when the glass area is resized. This stretching may not be perfect for non-rectangular glass areas that are resized by a large amount.
Custom muntins can be created for the components of Bay Windows , Box Windows , and mulled units. To create custom muntins for a Bow Window , you must draw them on the one component that is selectable. When the muntins are loaded, they will be applied to all of the components See Component Windows.
The Load Muntins edit tool can also be used to add custom muntins to glass doors. See Special Doors.
Chrisb222's post in Is there a way to export a high resolution jpg file of a camera view? was marked as the answer
Set your screen to a shape roughly equal to your target dimensions, go to File > Export > Export Picture, and click "Units", type in the dimension you want, keep "Retain Aspect Ratio" checked, then enter something like 200 DPI. That will produce a pretty high resolution picture, about 3.6 MB.
Some clipping may be required to change it to the exact dimensions, unless you can set that ratio up before saving.
Chrisb222's post in Sloped Concrete Porch Slab was marked as the answer
I would just indicate the slope using cad in the live section view. Then if something changes, the model will update live, and you'd just need to adjust the cad for the slope.
Chrisb222's post in Renumber windows on schedule and locating windows blocks was marked as the answer
You can also select the schedule then hit the Renumber Schedule tool which will appear in the Edit toolbar:
Chrisb222's post in Exterior wall adding an extra row of siding? was marked as the answer
You have "Boxed Eave" unchecked under Build Roof > Options, which creates a sloped soffit, and your little bump-out is making the overhang wider there causing it to meet the wall higher up. The siding is flowing up to the soffit.
Chrisb222's post in Adjacent walls of different types at 90° wrap strangely was marked as the answer
You can fix it with the Edit Wall Layer Intersections tool that appears in the lower Edit toolbar when a wall is selected:
Chrisb222's post in Porch beam not right on porch ends. was marked as the answer
I run into this a lot myself. As others mentioned, lowering the porch ceiling can correct this. Also, if you want the porch ceiling to remain where it is, try reducing the size of the gable sub fascia depth in the structure panel of that roof plane's d-box. I know, it shouldn't cause this but it does somehow.
Chrisb222's post in deleted post was marked as the answer
1. This is not footing thickness it's wall thickness.
2. On the Structure panel of the Wall Specification Dialog, the wall between the kitchen and living room, and the short wall of the closet have Bearing Wall and Create Wall/Footing Below checked. The bedroom walls have Create Wall/Footing Below checked. Uncheck those.
3. As to the span or whether you need those bearing walls, that depends on your structural intents and goals. That's up to the designer to decide. Although it looks like you intend to use common trusses, in which case, no, 32' is not too far to span.
Chrisb222's post in Stair Question was marked as the answer
That's the railing hanging out past the stairs. If you make the top rail narrower you won't see that extra line.
Chrisb222's post in One story ranch house with detached garage was marked as the answer
Since your walls, floor and ceiling heights are the same, I would model it all in one plan. One advantage is if you're doing a site plan, you can situate the two buildings as they will be built and keep your property line, site plan dimensions, setbacks, etc all organized and together.
Chrisb222's post in Railing Alignment was marked as the answer
Yes it will. Draw the new railing wall off to the side first and set it to "No Room Definition"
I had to add an invisible room divider, perpendicular to the railing wall at the "top" end to keep if from breaking back downward.
Chrisb222's post in Dog eared door was marked as the answer
Not much to choose from:
There was a suggestion recently asking for more control of parametric doors.
You can "fake" a center bar(s) using a glass panel style, setting the number of lites, and making the glass panes a solid material, but it's very limited:
Chrisb222's post in What do you use to make floating shelves? was marked as the answer
I use the Shelf tool. I know, right?
Chrisb222's post in How to turn off cross section callouts for certain layer sets? was marked as the answer
Try turning off the layer "Cameras, Cross Section & Elevation"
In this pic it looks like the camera view is active (open), and that you have "Always Display Active Cameras" checked in your 3D View defaults.
That will cause the callout for any open camera to always appear, even if the layer is off, until the camera view is closed.
Not sure where it is in X7 (been awhile) but look for a Default setting something like this:
...and uncheck it, if you don't want to see open cameras in views with their layer off.