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Everything posted by KristjanM

  1. In Autocad, you use colors to represent line width. Makes sense when you're doing it.
  2. If you indeed get to keep the most current version as per the SSA, that would be great.
  3. Re: The cost To purchase a copy of Chief with SSA for 5 years would give you a cost for 5 years of $5,937. For 5 years of subscription (1 year at 1,995 plus 4 years at 2,375), the cost is $11,495. Something wrong with this scenario.
  4. I think this is a terrible change from Chief. This does nothing for the user and only benefits Chief. I left Revit exactly due to the implementation of the subscription model. With Softplan, if you own a version and pay their version of the SSA, you get the updates as they come out. However you don't own the new version and if you quit the SSA, you only have rights to your original version. So, a possible scenario. You create a project in Version 16 (you own Version 14) and decide that you no longer need the SSA updates. You can no longer use Version 16 and can't open any projects created with it. This is exactly what happens with Softplan. I would like to hear Chief's explanation about what version of the software one is actually going to own.
  5. Thank you. I will investigate this.
  6. I'm scaling it to make it 1:1 since I exported from layout. I chose to export from layout because the views are cropped to what I want to show. Quite often I have things outside the layout crop which I can't turn off using layer sets. I'm quite familiar with Autocad so understand what the engineer needs. This seemed to be the easiest method for me. Some people like apples, some like oranges.
  7. I am using %perimeter% in a schedule. I would like the units to be in feet if possible.
  8. I have some polyline areas which I want to schedule information for. The area is in sqft, the perimeter is in inches. Is there any way to display the perimeter in feet? i am not finding any location to adjust this.
  9. Thanks for the comments. No magic method here. Too bad all the engineers I work with use Autocad.
  10. If your wall lines in Chief are black, you can't see them. Change the background colour in AutoCad to white.
  11. Just had to send my first copies of my drawings to the structural engineer in dwg format. The least onerous way I could see to do this was export each drawing sheet from layout but then I had to open each dwg file and scale them up by a factor of 48. The other option was to play with my plan views and export from there but this seemed to be more work. I regularly have to provide dwg files. How do other people handle this. Chief doesn't seem very freindly with regard to this task.
  12. An Ingenious method. That's one of the things I like about Chief...opportunities for creativity.
  13. Thanks to all for the comments. I will try them out. Also fixed my cursor.
  14. There may be a better way but here's my workaround.
  15. I have a pilaster with a pad footing . When I connect an adjacent wall, the pilaster footing is cut back. Is the any way to have the pilaster footing take precedence over the wall footing?
  16. This has been sent to the development team for a fix.
  17. Yes, I have read those posts. I just read them again and now that I've experienced the problem, get what they are talking about. Definitely something which should be fixed. Thanks for the pointer.
  18. I has this problem in the last file I worked on. New project this morning - The first entry in the Note Schedule doesn't show the carriage return. If I open the dialog to edit this entry, the carriage return is displayed correctly. I've tried moving the entries around in the schedule, tried re-typng the entry, but nothing works to correct this. My last project had about 3 entries of 30 total display this behaviour. This project has 1 misbehaving entry of 19 notes. A bug or ?.
  19. Years ago, I looked at this program. Not as good as Chief for the presentation and drawings but they seem to have the framing nailed down.
  20. "my co-worker at a large remodeling and roofing firm is "demoing" Softplan at $95 per month because of it's better material's list and various construction oriented and design features." Softplan has it's own issues believe me. I've come to Chief and aren't looking back. Having been through Autocad, Archicad, Vectorworks, Softplan and now Chief, my personal opinion is that Chief has the best combination of automation, flexibility and price. Just an opinion.
  21. Thanks for the reply. Too bad this can't be automatic. Made and used a CAD block which went fairly quickly.