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Posts posted by No1ZZTopfan

  1. 10 minutes ago, Kbird1 said:


    I'd suggest adding a pic to your post so others know what you are looking for since not everyone knows what an "Old Smokey" is, but may just be a regional name ?  ( I see you are in Louisiana)



    Here are the four types I took a screen shot of from their site, 1 is electric.

    Old Smokey Grills.jpg

  2. 1 hour ago, solver said:


    You forgot to attach the plan file.


    No, I didn't. I wanted to see if I could find a solution without doing so. My apologizes. However, I was able to figure out the issue. By changing the structure thickness in each of the manual roof planes. See attached.

    roof layer.jpg

  3. Having a bit of trouble. Created this shed with manual roof planes to match an existing shed but when I changed the gable & eave depths from 7 1/4" to 2 1/4" this happened. I can't seem to find the settings to fix the openings or gaps. What am I missing? Thanks in advance.


  4. On 12/21/2020 at 12:53 PM, Chopsaw said:


    Vector view would fix that problem.


    Ok, that's enough torture (if any). Here are some pics some of you have been waiting for.
    Pic 1 - Furniture disabled.
    Pic 2 - Furniture enabled. Seating would swivel, of course. Lighting over pool table disabled for shot.
    Pic 3 - Doors closed, chairs turned away. Lighting over pool table disabled for shot.

    Pic 4 - Vector view (per request).

    Still needs adjusting to fix the overlapping issues when the doors are open. To work in the real world would take allot of work.

    Suggests for improving welcome.

    Hidden Door 2.jpg

    Hidden Door 3.jpg

    Hidden Door 4.jpg

    Hidden Door Vector.jpg

    • Upvote 2
  5. 1 hour ago, Chopsaw said:


    Vector view would fix that problem.


    It would but the real question is how I did it. Took me a few days but finally got it. I'm sure most of the veterans could do it in far less time but for me, its an great achievement on my part. I'll post both the vector and rendered version tomorrow. :-)

  6. 4 hours ago, Chopsaw said:


    Sorry I did not notice the black border. That makes it tricky.  Give this one a try, I made it in GIMP.




    It works great but one problem. I can only apply it through material painter and it puts the pattern on top of the concrete walls. Look closely under the windows on the left.


  7. 10 hours ago, Chopsaw said:


    Yes that can be achieved.   What did it look like when you tiled the material sample ?  You can also adjust the scale of the tiling if necessary.


    Scaling didn't work to my needs (see attachments). I couldn't get rid of the tile lines.
    I tried just about everything that I could think of with my current knowledge of the software and could not get it to work the way I want it.

    speckle 1.JPG

    speckle 2.JPG

  8. On 11/13/2020 at 8:20 PM, JJohnson said:

    Could someone direct me to a barn door symbol, basically a door on a track, for interior door ?

    I have access to Bonus Catalogs, just don't know where to start.


    Thanks in Advance,


    J Johnson

    I made something similar that you can use to create the door with.


  9. I would like to add the paint sample attached (med_sprinkle) and use it on the garage floor but each time I create the material it comes out as tiled. In addition, when it is solid its massive instead of regular size (see garage pic). Any suggestions/tips would be most grateful. Thanks.


    Using CA12 on Win10Pro



  10. A bit of an issue. I have two staircases. One from the basement to the first floor. Directly above are the other stairs which go from the first to the second floor. When I run "Auto Stairwell" on the basement stairs, the other stairs drop to the basement. I have never had this issue in any other versions. Why? (See attached screen shoot). Running CA12 on Win10Pro.


    Thanks in advance.


  11. Instead of spending hours searching, I prefer to do this. My apologizes.

    I've designed homes in previous versions of CA. All the way back to 4. Well, computer HD crashed a while back and nearly lost everything. After new HD, installation of CA 12 w/bonus materials, its back to normal. However...


    When I render anything in any of the 6 houses in version 12 I get this alert window (see pic) telling me it can't find the files on the list. Instead of spending hours replacing each one, I would like to know if there is way to simple delete or restore them back to their default material setting, delete them altogether, anything! I can't seem to do them (delete is dimmed) either for some reason. Thanks in advance.

    Using CA 12 with all bonus materials.


  12. I saw several pictures online, mostly on Houzz's website, about hidden pantry's and other rooms and I decided to try and create a few. This is a rough attempt at creating them. All are blended within the kitchen cabinets. Instead of explaining what I did and used, it would probably be best if you simply took it apart yourself. Then you'll understand. I hope. CA X9 was used. Also, what you see in the attached images will differ from what you will see when creating camera images. Feel free to send me suggestions, questions, etc. Thanks. Hope you like. :-)




    hidden pantry 01.jpg

    hidden pantry 02.jpg

    hidden pantry 03.jpg

  13. This is a rough attempted at creating arched wall cabinets with a door. As you can see in the pictures, they are two separate components. There is a reason which you will find out once you mess with them. I have attached each component so they can be imported into your library for study, modification, improvement, etc. You will find some things you can and cannot do that you can normally do with a regular cabinet. I tried everything I could think of and couldn't make a CA standard wall cabinet to look like mine. Any suggestions on how to make it full part of CA System would be most grateful. Thanks in advanced.


    arched cabinet with door 1.jpg

    arched cabinet with door 2.jpg

    Arched Wall Cabinet Door.calibz

    Arched Wall Cabinet.calibz

  14. Until the suggestion for one is added to an upgrade or next version of CA I decided to make a crude close facsimile of one. Attached are two hardware fixtures for you to use, modify, improve, etc. I have also attached and example that I made on the front of an entertainment center. Three wall cabinets were used on top of three regular base cabinets. On each wall cabinet, open the specification settings, go to Front/Sides/Back and modify #1 Separation from 3/4" to 4". That gives enough space for above and below for the roller. Position the bar in the center of this spacing. Guide Bar is 2" x 7/16". I did not add mounting brackets so it would allow for stretching and not cause issues. Hope you like.


    Cabinet Roller Guide Bar.calibz

    Cabinet Roller.calibz

    example 2.jpg