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Everything posted by Tonyd33770

  1. Yes I can help - Anthony Del Nunzio - - 727-804-6283 - text or call thank you
  2. I'm in Pinellas County FL if your looking for a remote service Anthony 727-804-6283
  3. I'm not a pro yet - I find in your plan the area to the right (br's) floors info does not agree with Liv Rm floor data
  4. I am a CA user X 11 have done re-mote work in CA - are you using CA software? My location is Florida Happy for the opportunity to serve you. Tony
  5. what happened - well inadvertently I change pixel size and parts of plan showed very heavy lines - pixel back to zero and all is well - whew
  6. Glad to help CA Premium x11 user send plan to: