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About Hotspur

  • Birthday 03/10/1949

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    Ann Arbor, MI

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  1. Has anyone figured out how to get these to function in Chief Architect on a Mac? I can't seem to get them to do ANYTHING. I want to use them to access the radial menus, but I can't get it to work.
  2. Thank you for that. I've wondered about the real value of RTRT and have been holding off on a new Mac. I can't run X13 because I'm still at Mojave so that I don't have to shitcan my Photoshop CS6 and resign my life to a monthly payment to Adobe. I think now I'll go with a Mac Studio and keep my old MacBook Pro with Mojave just to run PS CS6. Ray tracing wasn't a very important part of my workflow before. I don't really see that changing.
  3. I've only ever used CA on a Mac laptop so I don't have anything else to compare to. I currently have a 2018 MacBook Pro 15" 2.9Ghz 32 GB 2400 Mhz RAM. I have it flanked by two 27" Thunderbolt displays, which gives me loads of area to spread my work out. The only unresolved glitch I have is that it doesn't play nice with imported PDFs, so I convert them to JPGs. I like to take it to the job site to field measure, or take it into presentations. In our conference room I run the presentation from the conference table onto a wall display. I guess portability is a big deal to me. But portability isn't exclusive to a Mac. It's just that a Mac is what I use, and I'm pretty happy with it.
  4. Thanks very much. I overlooked that preference as I was searching.
  5. This is bit of an elementary question, but I can't find it covered anywhere. I run two displays. I run Chief Architect on the larger of the two, and have several other programs running on the other. Sometimes when I open a dialogue window it opens on the other display behind other programs I am using. It's very frustrating to have to go looking for the dialogue I opened. Is there a way fo force the dialogue windows to open on the active display? Thanks for any help.