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  1. For me, in X14 all the text (including dimension measurements) are slightly larger, and the border widths of the text are a little different as well, but the big issue is when using "Chief Arch save as PDF". It really messes with the font. I've had to change to another pdf printer to solve. You can see the differences attached. The x14 pdf, the letters & numbers are all crowded together, making it a little difficult to read, even covering up the room dimensions a little. And what's strange is, it doesn't look like this in the plan or layout views, only after using the X14 Chief save as PDF option. What I've always liked about the Chief pdf printer is the file size is smaller than other pdf printers I've used.
  2. Any further replies? I have latest update & still happening constantly. Big pain.
  3. This junk right here is driving me crazy. Roof line breaks just appearing out of nowhere & almost impossible to get rid of them.
  4. This is something that's started after upgrading to X10. Working with roof lines, line breaks are appearing on their own making it very difficult to join plane using #2 button. And before, line breaks would automatically disappear when you straightened a line, now they don't. I can't find a setting that determines this behavior. Thanks
  5. Anyone else having problems importing DWG files into plan? I'm getting locked up software I have to force quit (Windows 10) Actually, I'm exporting elevation views from Orthographic Full Overview & then importing them back onto a level of .plan file - Had no issues doing this in X8